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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

TALE 38 - Il fitting glove and a frostbite

Kartik was a year senior to Reva in college
Together in theatre group they got to know each other
Long hours of rehearsals
longer hours of T.P. on katta got them close
He had been out of a recent heartbreak
Tending to his fresh wound he found out that getting quickly in another relation might just do the trick to heal
Reva too had begun to like him
He proposed on a whim without much thought to it
She treated it like a regular college affair
Not putting in much expectations she replied in affirmation
They carried on till their grads
In the mean while Dipti, Reva's younger sister had joined their college
She was introduced to their gang...
After college they stuck together as a group with a new addition of Dipti as a team member
They got to work with each other for a creative project out of college where in Reva and Kartik decided to get serious about their relationship and take it a step further
They decided to get married
Kartik was habituated to Reva while Reva was in love with Kartik
In the mean while it so happened that Dipti and Kartik got extremely attracted to each other
Dipti was young, for her it was calf love....probably her first ever...
Plus it was a taboo since it was tecnically forbidden...
Like rebellious youngblood she too got a high falling in for Kartik who appeared to be taken
While Kartik was never in love with Reva found Dipti's tender wanting extremely irresistible
Kartik and Dipti had a passionate affair while Reva and Kartik got engaged
This two timing naturally troubled the couple in love but both of them were to scared to come out and reveal...
They weren't scared of Reva but they were definetely scared for her
A day before their wedding Kartik and Dipti thought of eloping away but neither of them had the courage
Reva now as Kartik's wife made sure she left no stone unturned to make their marital life blissful
To her it was a dream come true, she had finally got what she wished for...
For Kartik and Dipti however it was a disastrous situation
While Kartik struggled to render his duties as a husband Reva worried that its her fault that there was some kind of lacking between them....
Finally to escape this daily guilt Kartik decided to take up a job elsewhere...
He shifted to another city taking up a job and settling there
Now he could forgo the guilt of not keeping Reva happy
However his long distance relationship with Dipti wasn't working out
Dipti couldn't bear the distance and confessed everything to her family
Reva understood the situation she was indeed in a pickle
She loved Dipti and she loved Kartik
She wanted to see them happy
So she packed off Dipti to Kartik's city
She said, "Go live with him Dipti if that's what is going to make the both of you happy..."
Dipti rejoiced and joined Kartik in his city...
They lived as lovebirds for a few days
However the young girl that Dipti was, solitude in an alien city just being home, wasn't her cup of tea
She got bored and came back...
Kartik was shattered
Dipti realised that there is more to life than just being in a relationship
She found out that she had professional aspirations and academic interests too which were non negotiable...
She did not find Kartik complimenting her well as a partner...
It was an immature hasteful decision
She rejoined college and got engrossed in her life
She was young and obviously got attention from men her age
She thanked her stars for making her realize that she had made a mistake
Here Reva went to Kartik to start over a new lease of life
Kartik tried but couldn't get himself to come out of his love for Dipti
Tired of trying Reva came back to her homeground and continued with her life
She maintained good terms with her maiden home as well as her in-laws
Lonely and alone Reva knew there wasn't any way out since she knew that she still loved Kartik and that he would never be able to love her
But there wasn't a way out since Kartik had gone in major depression and was under medication
He had suicidal tendencies and needed her every now and then as emotional support
She did not want a divorce... separated they were technically but she knew she was super attached to him....
She decided to embrace both the families and kept the ties strong
Dipti on the other hand fell in love got married and settled down
Reva now lives in her city working hard in her field while maintaining warm relations with people around
Kartik's parents find support with Reva in their lives
Dipti and Reva still stand strong for each other in happiness, challenges and otherwise
Kartik wants a divorce but Reva has her reasons to not ablige
Kartik leads a solo life filled with bypassed impressions of past and unrealistic dreams about the future
He is never in the NOW...
- Prajakta Sathe

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