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Monday, July 11, 2016

Figuring out about father figure...

Having posted about my father, I thought of also posting about how life shapes up for every individual... unique, unrepetative non synonymous are the words that ring in my mind when I think of how even identical twins have a diametrically different experience world...
I was the only child of my parents and I do not know if this makes it a fortunate fact or otherwise since I don't know how growing up in company would be? I was raised with meticulous planning and good cocooning in and out if the house... however this did not make me limited to exposure, however I was definitely more self conscious than most of my peers in school.
Studying in an girls only school, going to learn Kathak where most of my batch mates were girls, my contact with boys of my age remained limited to the gymnastic camp, theatre workshops and playtime mates during holidays. As I ve mentioned earlier , dad was as good as frighteningly absent , I had no brother and next to nil close cousin who would enrich my interaction with the opposite sex.
Grandpa was grandpa and knew exactly what his grand daughter was made up of.... he made sure he pushed me in the right direction at right time..
But... I missed having a father figure in life.... a dad, a pop, a Papa, a daddy to go to... to ask questions about, to tell about some things which only a daughter and a dad can share... that special bond... the pampering care... the feeling of being protected...
I never felt safe of falling back on anyone strong or having a backup plan in the form of a father figure....
This made many things difficult.
The idea of Man/boys/males seemed alien and unexplored... and hence fascinating....
This led to experiences which were very different that most of my peer girl contemporaries.... I will try and share my experiences with people in general in the blog posts that follow....
And by doing this I am absolutely not trying to gain any sympathy nevertheless I would definitely like to Comb through the complex intermingling of trigger action response result circuit that we fall in our adulthood. Dissecting the nitty gritties of childhood influences on Adolescent behaviour has been my personal favorite subject of research...
So far, so good.... I ll call it a day....
They say a blog a day keeps stress at bay.... I hope this stands true for me...
Goodnight folks.

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