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Monday, July 13, 2009

Bond killers.

Men respond in a different way than women in the way they communicate. Isnt it important to give and equally important to know when to pull back? I am young...youth has agression of its own! many of my girlfriends tend to get clingy and i v observed that their need for excessive communication drains their relationships. Hell is cast when ever an unassuming poor fellow is bombarded with the king of all statements, 'honey, we need to talk.' This 'need' to discuss some issues is such a pathetic old way to blackmail men that its now considered a taboo in most fresh alliances(most of my male friends agree). Its so important to let yourself be missed and to miss someone!

I am intense when i work on something. I am driven by feelings and sensitivities. In my experience, the other person actually seeks u out if he really cares. Excessive giving and expecting in return plus holding on tight can b claustrophobic. We exploit the situation...we always play to win, dont we? Y do v forget to just be...? Y does our time always starts NOW?

Standing the test of time and distance, firmer than ever all crap. It will workout if only u want it to.... nothing else will help. There has to be a genuine need from both sides! Also a desire for togetherness... Impositions, demands... seldom work. I ve had many a memorable instances of super telepathic connections with my loved ones. Its absolutely enriching and reassuring to b with such people.

Visualisation techniques work brilliantly with the creative minds. Deriving energy and pleasure from visual imagination has made the journey even more enjoyable. Hope 'Ruju' takes a word from this and starts on with a new life... here's to a peaceful aura! Go get him girl! I am with u... Our lives ve been running almost parallel... hope they intersect soon!


  1. I completely agree with this...We cant imagine how the relations would be till we take some efforts from our side to build the strong bonds.

  2. good one ..

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