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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Love = Inspiration.

RajmachiPoint-full (448×336)
If I v tried everything under the sun and nothing on this goddamn earth seems to work and instead of giving up I decide to face it, yet again. Go bang on in front of my remotest fears and make an agreement. An agreement of happiness. I decide to stay happy, (not content,not satisfied but happy). I know that I am happy when I am with you. In a given circumstance, the way I react to people and the situation around me decides exactly how I would be feeling a few moments later.

I can be straightforward without being blunt, be truthful without hurting. I have to,have to be honest... You call it innocence, some people call it ghastly, some think of it as weird, some say its madness... What ever it is, if i am smiling 24x7 (no matter what) and feeling peaceful inside...I am fine. Its like a calming echo of a huge valley...a dark dark night (which you described)... like the everythingness in nothingness when u sit on a beach(the way you described) the beauty of a small village home(your childhood memories)... of glow-worms illuminating the tree(i could see them glittering in your eyes),when a glow u feel around after meditating...warmth felt after chanting OM... whatever it is...

The journey with you is turning out to be fabulous. I am living every moment of it. I love the magic. It liberates me to have a sane and an insane talk with you. I feel protected. Its good to know you are there for me. Where-ever life takes us from here... It will be a dream walk. If this is what inspiration is, heck it be. The awareness is breathtaking. Destiny taking me at the right place at a perfect time. How gratified can I be! Optimism breeds on conviction to do good and be good.

It is good to be in love with someone...better if you are also in love with yourself and best when you love 'the love'. I completely trust people around. When I trust, you are sometimes bogged down by the responsibility that comes with those words. I don't say it. You would come to know if you look into my eyes. And if you do have the guts to look into my eyes and talk, you have won me. I become yours...truly... forever...

P.S.- Amused to go back to a blog prior and re-read it after entering this blog entry.


  1. The most important part is not waiting for the person to look into your eyes. It's to look into that person's eyes and speak it all. Honestly.

  2. I take back my words.You just said it. The joy of 'giving' is ten fold than receiving. I ll take your words on this from now on,I will look into the person's eyes and speak it all.The bliss of unexpectedness...

  3. 'Prem baghava karun'!!!!! Thats all wht I can say rt now....this transition in your life is so beautiful and unforgettable that it not only gives you energy to live but 'TO LIVE LIFE' makes all the hurdles in the life very easy to cross...thanks praju for sharing this info and reminding me the beauty and power of love and if possible just pray for me..... [;)]

  4. Life is beautiful when we start believing (without being spritual or religious) that we are destined somewhere!

  5. It is good to be in love with someone...better if you are also in love with yourself and best when you love 'the love'...Well said prajakta. when you start loving yourself and nature then you will actually find how much beautiful life is and when you love all.....believe me you will never fall.
