Thursday, December 17, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009

तो आला
Monday, November 2, 2009
Gift of love...
Sunday, July 26, 2009
सारा सार
At the Blink of an eye... (chapters from life)
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Eastern Charm of Bandra...
Monday, July 13, 2009
Bond killers.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
'M' for...
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Love = Inspiration.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
woken up...

There's something different about this someone. I find passionate ppl intriguing... dont we all want love in life? rather what is life without love? we may sometimes b mislead by theories of turning and manipulating life as we want, but randomly, it bowls u over... gives u something to dwell upon... something expectedly unexpected... u know its gonna happen someday...and one day, it just does... its kind of an initial sweetness in watching ur favorite rom-com... our wishes abt love might go as we wanted to... but the mind? it plays strange games. shows unduplicable uniqueness in the conflicts with urself... undoubtedly the attraction catches on... its not as important to others as it might b to u... so the world around goes on...but ur days start and end differently. we become disillusional about the way we feel about our heart.... in fact its more of the ones u r thinking... u r concious but u prepare urself well aware of ur nervousness about the thing. we are designed to b with our own sparks and faults. it troubles me to find tons of folks around trying to b different than what they are. y? y cant we accept who we are and stop blaming nature and circumstances.... r we meek enough to take the responsibility or are we fearful of taking a step ahead and stand up for what we do without feeling unnatural. we are humans... we have to remember... i am going to embrace myself... and so r some ppl around me...
effects of a sugar overload....
welcome march 2009
had a hearty chat with moi love today... and am happy 2 ve grown closer 2 him. on the way 2 success!!!!!! yippie..
thanks-giving in february!
yesterday evening was one helluva challenging one....the changing season and temperature rise took a toll on me...head gave its way to the throb and i was under the asprin influence to beat the pain.... neither reading nor television helped me to distract...and since it was a day off from the institute, i had nothing better to do than catch moi head and sulk.... so i decided to log on the net and wrote off testimonials to most of the ppl who matter to me the most! in my little way, i wanted to thank them for being there. not that they wanted the thanks....we rnt that formal...but somethings are best said than understood and telling ur loved ones how much they matter 2 u is the most wonderful feeling... not all of them r on orkut and hence the limit stays but thats most wot v can do...scream out 2 the world that u r so happy 2 b with them!!! After writing some testimonials my pain vanished!!! thats the power of thanks giving...The ppl on the list 2 whom i am presently writing testimonials....lets c how things turnout....its truely a great feeling to have had the company of these angels in my life...
calming chaos...strangely familiar!!!
God knows y am i blushing now a days?? getting goosebumps without a reason.... smiling incessantly....... thinking of someone...... losing myself in thoughts..... feeling all beautiful and in love..... dressing up pretty..... looking at the mirror more than once...... experiencing a calm warm yet uplifting feeling.......... finding more time to write....... getting out of breath with some thoughts... a strange feeling of content and happiness.... confidence of happiness and hope... ppl complimenting me all of a sudden....... things turning out to be absolutely perfect! enjoying every moment of it...... i guess, i am in love!!! my love is reading all of this and i cant help but blush some more....
a kool tip for a haute night!
After a long long time of abstaining myself from having that orgasmic dose of coco.....i finally gave up today...... had a small bar of pure blissful Ecstasy.... for a completely insane chocohol like moi....eating a bar is similar to having awesome sex after a loooong gap... the taste just gushes thru ur taste buds into ur blood stream....just like the oxytocin generated after u make love... i cannot explain how glad i was to have chocolate today(and chocolate it was.......nothing else-u pervert!) i am craving for more....nopes.....it has satiated me....it has calmed me down.....i dont wanna do anything for a while till the flavours seep in....the fragrance still sinks in my throat like a whiff of blissful wave..... makes me blush and go ohh ahh till the last bit melts off my mouth...... my senses unaware of the flushed look on my face and the choco-brown blob slathering smoothly thru my gut..... this is wild.... this is it!!!!! its the real thing!!!!!!! who needs love then??? the difference? yeah jumping over ur guy wud burn off a few cals but having a bar might not shave them off ur waist...... so i better get back to reality........ does that mean that i look out for a potential mate??? (for u know what???) naah..... its best to have a bar of chocolate by ur bedside...... for the time when temptation creeps in and u wanna get it done! isnt it a kool idea....... lol....
Some things tug at me more than others.... How does that make me feel? I thought I would'nt be happy, but I am not..... I knew exactly when it all went not so right.Suddenly, this love thing is not too bad at all....... The road ahead looks chock full of adventures that I actually wanna discover. Im smiling again, the real smile......... that makes my entire face come alive, the one that comes directly from me.......... The one that makes the whole world smile with me.And guess what????? I am so incredibly proud of my sweetheart for continuing to love me...we are going to be okay!!!!!
and who is my sweetheart? now that's a milliondollar question!!! :D
my dream...
Hi....slumdog makes india proud yet again....with the secret behind its success lies in the fact that after he beauty industry the entertainment world fetches another potential hub of creativity in recession times that is our own INDIYEAH.... we'd not b surprised if we d have entertainment tourism like medical tourism developing as a new branch in the coming years encompassing the creative geniuses of hindustan...
on a personal note A.R. Rahman takes it all....is another potential contender for the most covetted men and is my latest crush list... ahhwww....he is so cute.... well guys, atleast i dont pretend.... i am forthright about whatever i feel about anyone and type it on right away....like i dreamed about my childhood sweetheart back fromschool days last night. he was in my class at adarsh. i dreamt of going on a date with him.... he held my hand and damn it felt sooooo good!!!! off how i sometimes wish i had a different destiny of being with him all my life.... but fate had something else in store.... somewhere down my heart i deeply know that he was and always be my 1st love..... we no longer talk but i still have this thing for him in my heart which still kindles the fire within..... i do not wear masks nor do i deny the thoughts that come naturally to me..... so....one soul....one energy.....different thoughts....same mind....different ppl....diff. emotions........yet one heart........just one ultimate love!!!!!!
Updates-the back pain has considerably reduced...the blushing has increased.... survived on pure fresh veggies and fruits today as told by the doc... feels great to have actually eaten nothing but good food... shows on ur mood, ur thinking and also the way u look!!! i cud tell that coz i got some gr8 compliments today!
and some flowers too!!! but listen, i had dinner outside post work as a social obligation.... sometimes u cant just say NO. but today i did.... had some soup, juice, tandoor kebab, salad and juice....which is kinda healthy at the restaurant.. dad thought i was crazy to have abandoned relishing the dinner but thankfully mum was supportive. wanted to write a lot, but sleep takes a toll on ..... have morning walk to attend to tom. so sining off here is..........the queen of blushing dreams.....relishing the cream of emotions.....KAJU...
R2=routine and reckless rutt...???.....errrr......Rest and relaxation...
candle light dinner...
New day...
Utmost faith in someone and belief in the almighty has let to astonishing miracles. as far as my life goes , it has taken a U turn. from drab to fab....things get glossy and enchanting. its almost like a dream. when ever time was something less than right, i prayed...genuinely...and prayers always get answered....
i have been brought up in almost an atheist enviornment but have been given the freedom to have and express my views.... my parents wudnt even mind if i engaged into any rituals or idol worship. i dint have strong views about god untill sometime last year.... spirituality, mysticism attracted me.... i wont lie, it seemed glamourous initially but as i merged into reading stuff.... and hearing experiences of ppl around.... i got involved... it seemed like a never ending quest....
fortunately I met the right people at the right time and enjoyed the benefits of being in enlightened company.... i can say that i now have got my spiritual guru.... the person seems to b a normal human but is far more than just a person.... i trust my guru and i follow the path shown and i know i ll be able to spread happiness around and make a difference.....
plus i have been lucky to have got a mentor at he same time....my mentor trusts me....... my mentor pushes me thru my threshold limits....... at the same time sees to it that i catch a breath when i am going too fast...... life cant be better!!!! its a pleasure to b with u ppl....