Have started to take control of how I feel about myself.
The first step is the amount of sleep I get... being a mom of a toddler has its own set of rules... You get to sleep only when ever your kid does but not ALWAYS when your kid does... So creating a decent schedule for sleep will help. Kanha sleeps at 11-ish sometime it extends to 12... but then sleeping withing half an hour after he sleeps is going to be my target and trying to make him sleep by 10.30 p.m. is gonna be my 2 nd one...Doing this will ensure that I sleep by 11 latest by 12 every night and get the required amount of sleep...This should kick start the healing of some minor health errors that spur now and then...
The second step is waking up at a fixed time (b4 kanha wakes up) preferably before hubby leaves and taking a walk...That means I should be back after this morning routine way b4 kanha wakes up and will give me ample amount of time to blog , chk mails, read newspapers, blog and in general plan my day in piece, have a glass of warm lemon juice with honey in absolute solitude... collect myself and get ready to play MOMMY as soon as kanha gets up...
The third step is skip tea (unless suffering from cold/cough) and split breakfast in 2 portions... with a gap of two hours... 1st part fruits... 2nd part fresh 'nashta'... not forgetting my dietary suppliments and almonds.
The fourth step is to let go of that evil afternoon nap... Work instead so that I don't take pressure on myself in the evenings...
Take kanha for a stroll inhis pram whenever I dont have class... Make imp.phone calls when I am at it... Introduce an evening snack and make time to have it in peace... so that I am not exhausted by supper...
and last but not the least...smile :)
Mom, you shud b happy with these lifestyle changes, hopefully u ll get to see your radiant daughter soon... the one you long to see... amen
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