With the exercise routine getting regular, meals getting frequent with portion size decrease, I d be able to reach my pre-preg. weight asap... Followed the timetable I made to the T... Got a little carried away and took another walk in the evening instead of taking kanha for a pram stroll... selfish me...
I shudnt be doing this. happened to watch the tara sharma show which showed her enroll in and take a pram workout class... now i d be able to work with kanha in tow as well if i follow some of the moves they showed,,,, and whats this youtube for if you cannot learn some mean workout moves... so it wud be another win win situation if I wud be able to complete two tasks while at it... just that i ll nedd to forgo the making the imp. calls thingy while I am at it...
Kanha did not sleep last night... not even for a sec.... wonder what kept him awake and so hence my sleep went for a toss... He hates to sleep in his crib and wants to cuddle up with me on my bed instead... wicked baby... I am amazed at what exercise can do to one's being... instantaneous glow on the face... increased energy levels... decrease in lethargy spells... boosted stamina and in general a feeling of FRESHNESS...
Well the wardrobe clean up is on its way... havent been able to post pictures... but will soon will... and yeah... that might also show some difference in how i look... like those typical b4 and after pictures they show in ads (lol)
Summer makes it imperitive for me to take shower atleast twice a day... and a warm bath b4 bed is 'what an idea sirji' types... few drops of lavender in your bath can actually make a lot of difference. With this de stresser to my resque , not only did i sustain kanha's unreasonable tantrums but also sailed thru the night with whatever sleep I could manage to get... The wicked baby is fast asleep in MY BED with nice air conditioning and dark curtains drawn. He ll make sure that he ll make up for his lost sleep... But when will I ???
anything for the tag 'yummy mommy'
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