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Monday, March 12, 2012

You are the music in my life!!!

Life takes unusual twists and turns and surprises us when we have least expected it to!!! We meet a few good souls.. some of them turn out to be soul mates!!! some become a part of our lives and others just come and go like a whiff of freshly brewed coffee... You do find similarities in some. I did find a human who looks sounds talks walks and even behaves in a way my elephant behaved some 10 years back. I ve heard the myth about us having 7 lookalikes in the world... wow...i could really get to believe this tonight. But no one on this good heaven and earth can come as close to what I had. My elephant, he was so perfect, so truthful, so full of life, so dashing and interesting and fun to be around!!! I wish the genie would come and just get us together somehow... together for good and forever. I still am in love with him. If not in this, I would be yours in the next life. Want to be reborn as your soul mate...

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