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Monday, February 15, 2016


It sets us in a state...
which alternates between awareness and trance.
 At one point the gait is bold
at the next moment we feel limp
 ungraceful almost slouching.
There are winds of confidence
 reassuring us of our efforts
with definite undercurrents of doubting...
if this is enough...
whether this would work or...
 how much will it take...
we get strewn in a braid of thoughts,
one strand at a time...
until the look is complete
rather when we get bored
 or tired or saturated...
then we probably move on to string a necklace...
one bead at a time...
 colors of fantasy,
 textures of imagination...
such a luring composition.
Those thoughts carry energy...
 energy transfers to us
transforming the obvious.
 Metaphysical to physical...
conscious dreaming is another process
of intend based realization into actuality...
The walk becomes stance...
stance rhymes with the heartbeats...
 the walk syncs with the breath...
 breathing and walking merge...
 they become US...
glands positively triggered
release their respective fluids
 inside and out.
 Feel good do good be good hormones lift our spirits.
 Our body thanks us and so does the soul.
For it loves to dwell in a temple well taken care of.
 And most of all  people around us thank us the most..
for being the humans that we r meant to be...
 a pleasure to live with...
So walk the walk...
 cliche but so very true...


- Prajakta Sathe

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