Chances, are like off shore landings
Hastily taken calculated risks
Some happen by accident,
Yet very few get another chance
Those who ask for another one
Those who ask for one more
Those who ask for a last one
And those who keep asking
Are people who are also on a journey
As spiritual as each one of us
Just that every chance seeker
Needn't be spiritually seeking consciously....
Unconsciously yes we all are
Pearls from the same string
Uniquely different but made of same force
Lit by the same light
Right up to the subatomic levels, micro-electro impulses and way beyond the comprehension of human knowledge
Education gives us knowledge
But lifetimes lend us the wisdom
Yet we repeat the errors and reread the same chapters in every incarnations
The face changes - the lesson doesn't
It keeps repeating until we stop asking for more chances
And take the one we've got, seriously...
And then starts the progress point decimal at a time
Clearing out the debts, one at a time
In the quest of clearance, if it turns competitive, we are back to square one
All of us have to learn
All of us have to get better
All of us have to be wise
One experience at a time
Divinity is fair, it gives us chances
Many times our earthen primates don't
We fail we fall n we rise
Not all of us shine as we grow
Do all of us mature with growth?
Do all of us learn from others?
We are our own leaders
Our own motivators
We are driven by an underlining force which runs through us
Just that we need one attribute...
Of being AWARE
Let us keep giving chances let us keep forgiving,
For the sake of Human birth
Since we were too in his/her shoe at some point in our journey...
Just that let us do every thing in Awareness...
Give a chance without expectation
Let us try to have no desires
Only Aspirations...
Let us be aware of every thought word or action , every inhale exhale and heart beat....
Let us be grateful, let us be Fearless...
Let us be Aware....
Let us do what it get there!
Awareness brings in better chances of getting a cleaner slate with every birth
Positive negative no karma can set is free
It's only the Zero that will get us up there
Towards our true calling...
And suddenly there won't be any more chances
Asked for, taken, given or happening
After the Zero....
There would be just One....
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