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Sunday, February 11, 2018

Give me 2 mins...

If using public transport is not convenient for some of us, use pool VS individual car/cab rides. It has now become an environmental emergency.
Let us keep our status symbols aside and use them. Leave for your destination a few minutes early. Be ready for a detour.

Help us have better air around. Raise voice against unnecessary garbage burning in your local community area. Ask questions, take steps to stop it.

This year while most of us celebrated Uttarayan and women had haldi Kum Kum celebrations I was alarmed at the return gifts made of Plastic given on these occasions.

While it is considered impolite to refuse a return gift in a social setting. Gently suggesting better alternatives to the host and setting an example by gifting environment friendly gifts is need of the hour.

Same rule applies for return gifts for birthday parties and marriages. The amount of gift wrapping glitter plastic gets trashed on such occasions is scary. Plus this hardly gets re/upcycled.

Don't buy plastic , don't gift plastic unless and until there is no single alternative to it. Return back plastic bags to your local grocery shop or send him your storage dabbas in one trip get them refilled and bring back home some valid reason to feel good.

Yes it will cause tiny inconvenience, bit isn't it worth it? Question harmful lifestyle choices to people close to you and gently suggest organic and environment friendly alternatives  

Open your eyes, get alert, be aware, be the change... Our kids are watching us and learning. Let us set an example. Earth can do without us , it is we that can't do without her.

Enough of viral fever and cough and cold waves every month. Enough if cases of pollution related disorders and health conditions. Let us start living before we die...

- Prajakta Sathe

Friday, February 9, 2018

Free hugs...

I recently went to Pune to just meet and hang around with friends and meet a few acquaintances on Facebook (in real time)
While doing that I made sure that I posted about none of those meetings on Facebook. I met close to a dozen people in 4 days and in a one on one setting with a minimum 90 mins to a few hours of talking with them...
I realised these actual meets gave me much joy that watching these people do their stuff on social media and giving them likes.
To spend time with a person and share the physical space along with the vibes and the TIME makes such amazing difference to our experience world. I was in awe of and humbled by the stories that all of us carry with us to tell. I have not a single pic of any of them neither wish to mention their names since they know we met and how?
One thing struck... Just like any Artist can't be bigger than his Art , a Gadget can't get bigger than a Human... Period. The earlier we accept it the sooner we start living...

What is the gadget doing to us?
As children of our parents ,
As mothers and fathers of our own kids...
Our friends family and the non/existential nature around us.
Do sounds of tenderness , mirth, giggles, gibberish first words, or cries of tantrums /boredom/frustration of learning of those tiny voices become muted and hurt?
Are we letting voices get muffled by the clicks and beeps of messages ?
Relationships redefined by blue ticks at late hours rule and rock our world???
Would those Gifs , emojis , smileys help ease our pain of loneliness?
We become a part of each other's world by sharing Posts, stories, statuses and pictures...
Why do we feel the need of taking our phone on the dinner table?
Why do we look inside the flash world when our sons and daughters tell us about their awesome day in school?
Why the hell do we keep checking the screen inspite of zero updates on Insta and null feeds on FB and then feel bad that life isn't happening for a few seconds and that we are going nowhere...
Where would we go to feel cold?
Whom would we reach out to for warmth?
Would we value presence... silence...
Would we ever relearn to read feelings , body language or the unspoken word?
Would we give take and share and celebrate TIME?
Would we stay still or even move and walk and talk without thumbs strutting and palms fidgeting through widgets and swaps and scrolls?
Would we decipher sunshine without adjusting the brightness or appreciate simplicity without filters?
Would we care to ask someone for real as to how Are they doing and if they want to talk? Or meet up?
I phones I pads I pods Chromecast Amazon fire shooters virtual reality interface spects Apple watch and lots more...
We wake up to screens to switch off the alarm then look in our calenders for schedules and call a cab for work throught an app and work on our laptops while commuting and make presentations online and take conference calls and do strategy planning and come home to sit on the table each one of us with a friend online giving likes commenting and watching others...
All of these Gadgets got lucky...
They got to use us...
We became Robots with intelligence but no cognition of reality...
Would we stop?

Prajakta Sathe

Saturday, February 3, 2018


Windows to my soul...
Secrets - neatly tucked in sombre quilts of presence...
Thoughts hung to dry; dripping with pitter patter drops of emotions ...
Longing , stretched to press and fold; to be  stacked one above the other...
Sandwiched between desires and cravings...
Some whims arranged on hangers to quickly throw on , on days of uncalled for solitude...
Love... Spritzed on this wardrobe of existence...
Search, quest, yearning make sounds on a keychain of a cresent shaped pearl tub ...
I am bliss!
- Prajakta Sathe

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

If only...

There lay 1000 suns amidst the thought of asking you out and the possibility of even considering to sit across a table with those jet black eyes staring the hell out of me asking all curious questions without a single word...
Not because you were monogamous in your failed marriage to a girl out of your religion , not because I have been polygamous in my successful marriage within my community caste and subcaste too...
Not because you unjudged me for being happily uncommitted in a legal bond not because I excused you for now exploring physical perks of non matrimonial crown...
Not because you told me you are attracted to me not on face but on hush hush blue ticks at wee hours unbothered...
Not because the experimental kiss that happened between us was awkward from your end and totally working and hot on mine...
Unbothered because you cared to tell me no it's not working and that you can't do it to your best friend's wife...
Unbothered because you knew that I had already married my boyfriend's best friend once and that craziness runs in my blood
Not because it definitely unbothered me if  any faintest resemblance of her to me un-nerved you or maybe absolutely not...
But because it unbothered me if I could yet again fall for another best friend of my husband ...
History repeating itself till lessons were learnt was a scary realisation and both you and me were tired of running on and off this track with our historical baggages in tow...
Of questions about our present , about plastic fences that we pseudo cared for scare us even as we deny...
About synthetic conditioning that we were raised to believe in , about morals that societ reforms sulked about and about my genuine trust about human resonance...
Sure of my craziness of leaving it all and running off with a vibrationally synchronised soul about letting everyone love anyone and celebrating anyone loving everyone
About the shock, disbelief and unacceptance about my evolution from my crushes on different attributes at different times on different men...
If only we could take a step
If only we could learn to trust
If only we could build up a whim
If only if we dared to dream
If only we could hold the hand
And walk some steps...
With no sacred fire , zero precious metal rings , nil signs on pieces of paper
Live for an experience to be etched in our blueprints just to learn a lesson and move ahead in life without creating additional drama around things...
If only I could be humanly divine as you just like how divinely human I am...

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Galaxies in my cup...

Missing you Never happens out of the blue
Midnights of cold enforced solitude when mugs of hot chocolate and fluffy blankets fail miserably to provide the expected rise in mercuries from Mars and Venus...
I keep remembering the comforting darks that we spent on our favorite recliner, watching mushy rom coms , chick flicks, dramas, thrillers , actions, horrors sometimes wearing each other's clothes...
Me in your boxers and you in my singlet...
On nights of off season or in season rains when there is no moon to look at or no thinking that you may also be looking at it from where you are, connecting us in strange ways because monsoon here and there pours waters that taste differently
On rainless noons where sun blazes fire to shame , my hormones unable to tame yearn to undo your weaning
And noons remind me of your full shirts that I hated... Because you looked drop dead handsome in them and then I wouldn't want to let you go for work looking all dapper in that powder blue crisp formal shirt and khaki beige killer trousers...
I also hated you in short sleeved tees... Because then I could skin feel your   impeccably carved biceps that made me want to be in your arms for another minute way past your till your sleeping patience ran out , but you'd still stay in and lay there doing what you gorgeously did...
Run your fingers through my hair while we spoke nothing feeling your heart beats as my head rested on your chest...
I also hated you without shirt... Because it showed marks of a kiss here and a faint scratch there... Your flat stomach and the scar on your neck which reminded me of the tree bark you lifted to save me from an accidental leg slip on our way down from Karnala bird sanctuay... I hated you always... With clothes or without and you loved me nevertheless...
The door bell rings incessantly on some days and random mails , parcels couriers drop in not allowing me to day dream about you about us about how your honey almond  eyes gleamed when they caught me staring at you in between routine random talks ...
On chirpy spring mornings when the cuckoo peps the world in candy floss and yet my world spins for a toss when some lay man in the lift wears the same Issey miyake making my heart skip a beat on the whim of a whiff...
I remember the post work mandatory hug that smelled ohh so good and familiar and calmed me down with the fragrance...
I remember how we'd skip dessert to quickly brush and get in bed and how one of us burst into a laughing fit blaming the other to be extra horny since the paste taste was still there...
Someone forgot to rinse well said our notoriously inviting stare...
No it's not gross that I still remember how you tasted early in the morning unbrushed unwashed on my palette, your morning breathe was musk and so was our post workout love making...
Uninhibited , unhygienic, crude, raw...
I remember that I ate my food fast but you ate it faster and so we d never dine out we d rather cook at home ....
Which meant that I cooked and you d do your man thing
You d watch the match or the news or the history channel or YouTube
I d lovingly serve you d ravenously eat and then we d savor our lips for dessert  and make out on the couch
And as we happened some things didn't
Like I expressed myself through words I tried to understand that maybe you couldn't
I wanted to know where we stood , who we were and our woulds or coulds
I wanted to know if there were any boundaries expectations or labels to what we were
Some things needed to be named as we grew near
I asked you smiled and then we walked a few miles
It was a walking date , maybe twist of fate
You chose to close you read out three poems which stated your current state of mind , those poems weren't yours...
I was looped into an uncalled for rewind.
To want a closure not a seal was just a small wish not a big deal
I wanted to know not command where we were what was our stand
You kept being gentle I kept being sweet
We drifted apart clean and neat
Now you visit me unannounced and straight only in memories where the new me still waits...

Sunday, July 9, 2017

FB quitting : social networking detox

And so I managed to stay off FB from 1 st July to late 8 th July. Which makes it a week long hiatus. It was amazing to be out of touch of the external triggers. It may have not brought me inwards or may not have created any deep impact however it has definitely led me to believe that such breaks are mandatory.
               So the big day arrived on 8th and the day went so fast. Inspite of not getting enough sleep the night before (read I slept from 4 am to 7.30 am) I was alert but surprisingly calm. Things moved smoothly. House was a circus with 7 adults and 3 kids in a two bedroom apartment with 8 suitcases of the guests shifting to the US occupying all of my studio room. Yes there was chaos , yes there was noise, but however I was peaceful from within. I knew it would be right and ofcourse it has to be and it so was... It was my Guruji's day after all. The performance , the look, the time, the management, the backstage, the discipline, the aesthetics, the audience, the musicians, the performers everything was impeccable.
                  The day got even better when I received a good news of sakshat my sadguru Mahavtar Babaji sitting through my singing performance on that day. I know for sure that my soul is blessed and I am loved and looked upon.
                  So on request of my beloved friend Chitrang I logged in to FB for accepting his tag. Another kind friend Clicked awesome photographs of the show and then I had to update and upload it all and tag my performer students. Thousands of likes , comments , texts, phonecalls and messages have humbled me to my core and have made me aware of what responsibility lies ahead. With Guruji in tow I am sure the journey is mesmerising and as exciting as always. Tasmay Shree Guruve Namah.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

FB quit - Day 4,5 & 6...

So the hectic week peaks towards the end. Classes , rehearsals, Kanha cub at home and my patience levels at an all time low. Show plan turned 180 degrees with a new band coming in and the full performance coming over my shoulders. I bogged under pressure n fell sick. My body gave up to the emotional stress however with the grace of my Guru and well wishers and friends prayers I was fine today. The rehearsals rocked.
I came home to chaos... Yes I feel out of place when there is talking and noise around
I don't like being asked many questions when I m in my own sweet somber .
The royal ladies of the house aka my mom and my grandmom along with cub made sure they made lot of noise.
I wanted to be all by myself.
This is a particular time when I like to be by myself and have quiet around... Alas... Even now while I want to type my heart out , this critter who can read is watching my every word. Damn you sleepy child (aka son) go to sleep like a normal 6 year old. It's 11pm !
Tomorrow there would be more noise with foreign visiting relatives land up.
The routine gets jitters and the show proximity creates ripples. However I ll make sure my focus is fixed. How I long for some drenched words of poetry by my bedside table. The routine mundaneness of domestic life kind of challenges the artist within. But both must thrive... The domestic goddess as well as the wanderer, the seeker, the wonderer , the soul... Together in this mad chaos... Amen!

Sunday, July 2, 2017

FB quit - Day 3 : Superworking Monday

Today started way early and how... Had a 14-15 hour work day and hence had set an alarm for 6.30 am. Woke up by myself at 6.15 sharp. Cooked two meals and got ready. Reached Andheri West Jampad 5 mins early than the call time of 9am.
Other musicians as usual came at 10.30 am
Till then I spoke to the very funny Prince Mishra aka caretaker and pseudo rocker of Yari road... He narrated me the enticing kissas of musicians and singers who come there to jam. He narrated his native story from Allahabad and how he came to Mumbai and settled here, about his father's death in an accident and about his wish to do 'seva' of his mother in her old age. A boy as young as 23 narrated everything so unpretentiously, showed me his silver stud cap and his microphone bing pendant. Human library was open for the morning, I didn't sing , but I surely learnt a lot. Observed him....
Once the rehearsals started the vocal chords conditioned to the sound ambience and reverb of the place. I thoroughly enjoyed the jamming and practiced my songs for good 4 times over. Once done chatted with my co-singer on our favorite topic our Guruji and spirituality as we had lunch. Then we quickly restarted practice and got over early at 4 pm. So naturally I reached my class venue within 20 mins that leaves me time till 6 pm when the class starts. I listened to some music, made some calls and then , well observed ppl , children, parents and teachers in this school going around. It is indeed a human library to sit out in the open on this ground and do nothing but watch , as the life passes by.
Yes this blog has been narrative kind, my day is just half done as I make use of the peaceful time here to type. The climate is hot , humid and I am tired. Yes I d like a shower and would love to crash in bed. But there lies ahead 30 students with curious minds and willingness to learn...
This evening's hold ,new admissions , exam announcements , batch practice, my personal Riyaz and dance rehearsals for Saturday's show. Until I type again tomorrow morning , here is a tired by quiet soul signing off from outdoors.
LoRD bless.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

FB quit Day 2 - Emotional outburst.

And so I quit FB somewhere around yesterday evening. It got to me , it became to pretentious. I accepted that I was getting the high of positive reward feedback for my brain and needed to get it required to pause , absorb, assimilate, process, hold in, hold on and recreate/reproduce. It had become the cult of slavery wherein I d be logged on and scrolling through the timelines at any given hour. Enough said than done I wanted to post every second of my life and mind everyone I had literally begin to perform my life.
Then I thought , why this? When my very own Guru who is such an enlightened entity stays away from limelight and public glare, un bothered, untethered by the chaotic humdrum around. I had to be inspired, I had to be productive and a doer than a watcher and a scroller. So I am not counting days when I say 21  since it began on an evening (who is judging anyways )
But for this month it is going to be the show on 8 th and then my Himachal trip.
I am sure to hustle at work and play at party when I ought to do what I ought to do.
I want this month to be a clean dream ride. With no crutches.
Yesterday I went off the radar and felt miserable when I swiped through screens and failed to find the comforting blue icon across. I was frustrated and angry at myself (I am glad that I can describe the emotions so clearly )
Then I binge ate (something which I rarely do)
I told myself come on, let it all come out...
Bring it on... I had an argument with Grandma, fought with Kanha and stayed up all night cribbing for nothing.
But this had to happen. These are weaning signs and for good. The very fact that I woke up feeling like posting a blog I am sure that I am in store for good.
I also wrote a poem yesterday and unknowingly and also in frustration. It was dying to come out. Lol... So I will officially say this is day 2. If this looks up, I may even think of quitting it for 100 days... Or maybe not. It's too early to think.
I know there are going to be temptations. But I m going to chill.
The show pics may not be updated , I won't be tagged in memes. I may not get the likes and loves and wows. So it is Okay to not be popular and the selfie queen that I am , for a while.
It's raining beautifully now and though I am terribly sleep deprived at this moment , I am in it.
It's a Sunday morning and I have this day to my experience. I must take inspiration from Advait and keep going that extra mile for every bit that I do. Read, write,  express draw illustrate. Such an exciting ride to see... Ciao...

The morning after...

Wee hours of early dawn
On an an old chestnut door
Sticks on a Bougainville leaf
With seasonal raindrops
Drying over its withered brown
Humming birds from woods afar
Fly closer to this temple's bells
That swing with strong winds
And the sleeping baby
Turns it's face 
away from the lightening sky above...
The porch is dim lit humid stuffy and cold
Occasional fireflies crash the dull
Her glass bangles tinkle aloud
As she walks in haste
Through the dark courtyard
Grass bordering the moss covered stones
Makes sure her speed is held back
With conscious gait
Her hands of sound dust the leaf off the door
It creeks , toddler disturbed
The dome fills with its half asleep cry
She quickly lights the lamp
Burns incense
And places as an offering
A bundle of moist crumpled notes
Earned from the night before
Joining her hands in prayer
Not forgetting to collect them back
As she opens her sleep deprived eyes
Gobbling down the offerings by other seekers
She seeks solace, lying tired
Beside her infant, letting it suckle
future from today's calm heart
As it beats with the rhythm of the bells
She, her offspring and God...
This moment is home
- Prajakta Sathe.

Thursday, June 1, 2017


The long day seeps
From the empty sixth month sky
Noon falls strangely silent into the eve
It's raining black cherries now
And seeing this the windows cry
A tube light flickers in faint
The smoke from the wick intoxicates
Fame casts a shadow of the melting drops
The molten transparent turns white
Like the only strand of hair
Left loose from my tight clasp bun
I hear the bell and open the door
To find a fresh string of carefully strung buds
Unblossomed mogra clad in green
Wondering if I must pick it up
I bend down to hear footsteps down the stairs
The gait sounding familiar I pick up the fragrant gift
I come in and sink in the sofa...
Place the string on my chest
Inhaling it deep I forget everything
My name and his and the memories
For a miniscule moment I feel free
I get up and fidget in the kitchen
Come by the curtains swinging crazy through the windy night
Raise a toast, it's masala chai...
Our masala chai...
Raindrops dry on my sweat covered face
Steam from the cup hazes the view
I see a figure sitting calmly in crazed downpour below
Cross-legged, meditative, sure...
I try to comprehend the seat
and fathom the time, the reason.
He tried, I think, now I must do...
I let go... Run down watch him stand to bid adieu
I hug, hold on, cling and try ...
We struggle to breathe while we cry
but some things were not meant to be
We promised we'd love but set the 'US' free
I watch him fade in torrential drift
Walk back home tad more swift
Drenched in tears the tube turns on
Destiny prevails, life moves on...
- Prajakta Sathe

Sunday, May 28, 2017

That eve...

Dew wet wings
Opening to say hi
Sun kissed paisleys
On my lips
You watch a leaf settle down
It's spring and you know...
You sound like spring rain
On a lazy noon
The mattress curls up
As dusk descends
On our naked softs
Love lays calm
Till night fades
In the faint last droplets
Pattering down the roof post shower
We know it's time
We know it's true


Next to his smooth tanned back,
I find myself bliss-ning...
how wild
the snow would be...
It's hot and I wait
When he smiles rare,
his amber eyes gleam...
Winter grass blooms...
- Prajakta Sathe.

Reliving memoirs

Buds blossoming in May
Float over clear cold lake ripples
Behind the line of drying socks...
With every gust of wind
This stranger comes closer
A determined sparrow
and some green melons split open
Only this city rave pricks within the seeds of the dusty woods
Fragrant blossoms remain
Hovering snowflakes
As the sun goes down
Trembling on a moonlit branch
We remember our scent

- Prajakta Sathe

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Cobweb love

Strangers meet, recognised vibes
Pecking nudges, playing strides
Hormones sore, pictures liked
Windows open, chats spiked
Messages turn into voice notes
Selfies on request, impromptu video calls
Virtual becomes real, libidos impatient
Fantasies lived on backlights in the night
Smileys blow kisses, kisses laced with hearts
Lips and hips and curves drawn apart
Propositioned dates, drinks meet talks
Hands in hands at the sidewalk
Taxi booked, hooked up thus
Driver derailed with backseat fuss
Deep smooches hands sliding
Intimacy quivered hardness in hiding
Bodies meet, testosterone drives
Estrogen banged, sexting on tides
Blue ticks at night, filtered WhatsApps
Occasional tensions, I pill mishaps
Such is love, a need in the waiting
Unbarred by wedding masked by dating
Hungry , wanted , bated all...
Everyone rises refusing to fall...
Until one day grey hair shows
Quest continues until last breath bows
Nevertheless ...

Sunday, April 30, 2017


Finally, this female decides to write/type, I did write a few pages on and off for a few days and tore them off. With a lot going on(thankfully good stuff) in professional life , I found my thoughts scattered and couldn't gather myself enough to sit down in a place and write. And then there were people and more people and things and more things and events and more events and work and so forth... Life is getting better by the day. I am happy I met Guruji at a tripping point last week where he nudged just enough courage and pumped up some confidence within his shaken disciple. The immense reassurance from his side and the strength in his words when he said, "why do you have to worry when you have me?" created magic. I know what that means when his magic is running through, as much as my parents blood runs biologically in my veins as a matter of chance , his energy runs through my spirit as a form of immense blessing and grace. When the link lies not just in this but in many lifetimes, it is felt more than a surge of physical energy... It is a lot more. I have felt him by my side when there were crying nights, I have felt him hold my hand in times of trembling anxiousness, I have felt him hug me in moments of victory and pull me up and hold me when I felt unsure and failing.
Its my incapacitation when I even in my remotest of thoughts challenge his advice through my meagre science fed human mind. I must trust when he says something. Heart has faith, brain doesn't follow. Its a strange ridiculous fight which I am so sure I am about to conquer.
The key highlights of last few months were the KNOWLEDGE TO ACTION GAP being conquered.
I am happy I got off the procrastination phase and started doing things right away.
So the meets happened , the letters got signed and sealed, proposals got accepted (since they were just laying there ready in the drawer), the phone calls got done, the to do lists got ticked off. And the stagnant energy flowed. I assume there still is some faint inhibition of sorts when it comes to actively going out and saying what I have to say , yet I believe it will come sooner than ever.
As I polish the salad off the bowl tossed with some gorgeous organic goats cheese I ponder over what now? And this question will keep pinching me gently every next moment. Grandma would come tomorrow to be of help and stick around with erratic summer schedule at work. That also means that there would be sound , of television more often than not which I hate. I am used to sereneness of the university area and the perks of staying in a colony filled majorly with retired couples. I love how this noon sun is milder today and is aesthetically beautifying the living area with shadow play of the chickoo branches running across the balcony... The breeze is unusually cool, the parrots have been unusually chirpy today and the adorable cuckoo seems to have lost in her noon siesta... One of the room fan creaks as it goes round and I am in love with the rhythm it creates... feels as if I am in a Railway compartment... And I love how odourlessly neutral the environment is since my maid didn't enthusiastically lit a few incense sticks while she left... Glad she forgot. Neutral is good for a change.
Also the balcony garden has non fragrant flowers today , ABOLI, SHOEFLOWER HIBISCUS AND BLUEBELLS... mystically colorful yet totally without any olfactory stimulus.
I remember my favorite gypsy traveler quoting something philosophical while leaving. I don't remember the words but I have the essence embedded deep in my heart. He asked me to dare to do something which I would never ever think of doing and wanted me to observe how it transformed me from within... He has brought many inspiring people in my life. Ben says first he wanted to be the best version of himself and then he understood that it is a never ending quest , so he changed his life goal to be an inspiration to others. My gypsy traveler wants to keep moving, keep doing, keep changing and make an empire and to lead... I believe he would. The positive pressure he incurs on me to keep doing and keep moving and re proving and out shining the old version of myself is felt high even as I type these lines.
It is precious when your people dream for you and with you. (There may be many others who dream of us though) At this point it feels absolutely blissful to be surrounded with a bunch of dreamers ready to go for a kill. I miss my gypsy traveler and long for a reunion when it is meant to be. Until then I better up my game and pull my socks to see moist eyes smile (all over again)...

Sunday, March 19, 2017

A spoonful Of Relief

I've written many posts on parenting till now. The experience of being a Parent is such an eye opener and many times we find ourselves split in teams.
Offsprings are evolved and upgraded miniature versions of strong personalities for sure.
Parents here are the primary care providers and first circle guardians of the kid spending most time of the week/weekend together.
Sometimes it's Kid/s Vs Us.
Or it's Us Vs Us as a sub team of one grand parent Vs a biological first parent
or more often than not it's kid Vs himself/herself since he or she isn't matured enough to understand that the thing he/she is doing at that time is quiet other than anything that's of best interest to him or her.
Well, to be honest the teams are many times inevitable occurrences as a part of the growth of the Parent-Kid/s team.
Enough of preamble, I have been trying to get Kanha to eat by himself and this he temperamentally detests.
He likes being fed and this is a fact which has no basis of any disability to feed himself.
I started with simple cut foods that do not need use of touch (read eating with hands)
So bananas cut in slices to be eaten with a fork was the first step.
Slowly it went on to omlette or Chillas or Idlis for breakfast being cut and eaten with fork...
Then it came down to eating with a spoon , dal rice/ poha/ upma etc...
He threw tantrums , had melt downs , he threatened to not eat and even walk out...
This downright refusal was responded with a constant please eat first then we will talk.
 He tried negotiations which were not entertained.
Detached clinical outlook and no winning losing streak is practiced...
You eat like this or you stay hungry...
He also tried the latter but soon realised that he also wants to eat... And the option was just eating on his own...
He got hungrier and more agitated however this was one of those situations where it was not going to be a power play or an ego polish but in fact going to be a bench mark in deciding what is an essential part of being reasonably independent.
This I had to do without comparison with his peers since I believe every child is unique and will have different times situations environment and parameters to his growing persona and independence.
I as a parent had decided it was time to slowly wean him off being hand fed.
So first it was breakfast at home.
Then it has come to breakfast and another important meal (spoon eatable)
 He is still being fed some motor advanced meals like roti and sabzi...
He expressed his anger by saying he doesn't like me and that he is shifting to his grandparents house for good.
The important part was to play a role of a compassionate co participant by acknowledging that , 'I know that you are not feeling good about this , however it is important to be able to feed ourself.'
He asked me reasons and he was given reasons.
He asked for rewards and without countering I gently prodded his attention over all the things that he is allowed to do when he knows his quota for the day is done.
He asked, "Aai, tell me what do you do for me that I must do all this for you?"
To which my reply was ," you are doing this for yourself and You have to tell me what all I do for you because you are so observant and i love the fact that you think and know a lot. "
He was taken aback by this response. I knew he was craving to get a Reaction to spin the loop and go full blown into a temper fit.
But he knew from my stance that come what may his mom (team opp.) wasn't going to budge.
He tried pursuing his grandparents and His mommy gently asked them to stay calm and not speak till he has finished.
He tried calling his Dad and his dad said We will do what mom says and then we can talk when i return from office.
And so.... When everything failed , he asked me to sit in one room and not look at him. He asked his grandparents to go in another room and asked them to not come out...
Now it was a question of conquest of stubbornness Vs disciple.
A few hours down the line, slow spoons of Dal rice down his gut and buckets of tears down his eyes...
Finally a bowl was empty
A tiny stomach full
A mother grinning with relief
And a primary schooler happily watching his reward cartoon on I-pad.
Small victories of parenting are worth celebrating.
This episode repeats on a loop mode till the kid takes it on autopilot mode...
There are still many more meals to go, roti and phulkas to be fed and encouraged to be eaten with hands...
Then making him clean his own poo poo is on my next to do list.....
Donning many hats , this by far has been one of the most unpredictable one and nothing in the world , not even practise can make me perfect in being a parent.
It's a constant ongoing process of learning to be a team .... And keep playing...
- Prajakta Sathe

Thursday, February 9, 2017

How does it matter?

I rekindled my connection with a soul out of an inner calling to reach out. When Guruji trains us on spiritual path we are taught to try to be like our Guru, our God and think like Divinity. To be non judgemental and to treat each soul as equal and from the same source. If my Guru sees each soul as one then why can't I see everyone around as equal? In the sense of giving chances to the relationships and tap every bit of its potential. I contradict my own statement earlier that I have an inner circle and an outer one where I decide who gets close who gets my time who gets my company and at the same time I try to think and be like Divinity. There is a hitch here which I am going to ask Guruji. Because on one hand we are supposed to be non pretentious and see everyone with no filters and spectacles and on the other hand we also have to be selective and choose our compatible vibration and mingle with souls on a plane similar to ours.
Here the blueprint and freewill give me a tough choice to follow. Plus we are said to connect or come into each others life for a purpose. When do we know that a role is over? With death? With legal separation? With physical distance? What about the emotional bonds? Where does the longing and inner yearning lead us to? Are we falling pray to our humane attachments by rekindling old ties and holding on? Are we not embracing change and being in the now?
Am I playing it safe so that I get best from both the worlds??? What could be the reason that I can sense that my physical presence needs validation from people I yearn for? At one point my sadhana is regular, my Riyaz is super consistent , my Guru is happy. What more do I want? Yet I feel a void.... And the lack of higher purpose too. Would I end up being just born to lead a comfortably mediocre life and die without no real spiritual progress and karma warded?
These questions are scaring my breath off today. Maybe it's just the change of seasons. Maybe it's exhaustion... Maybe I need to call it a day. It's late and both my body and mind need rest. But the soul keeps the yearning alive.... Tirelessly...
Oh how I wish you would get it...
Of every minute that I have spent
Wanting to know
How it feels to be yours
A part of you
And a part of me
That we dreamt of
The days in the farm
The animals in the barn
And the babies we would have
Glistening in your eyes
Tears that refuse to stay
In proud oceans of satisfaction
Tightest hug ever
We made it , your arms say
And you tell me. -
It's your voice and I knew it would
I have won , you say...
Because you sang
And the melody plays in every beat of my heart
Our pulse now Ticks in sync
Our progeny.... musical and blissful
We rebuilt our empire
At a place where the space between two notes resides...
Silence and calm...
Peaceful serene full of joy
I can see happiness...
It's your eyes....

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Atah kim?

Yesterday was so Dramatic. Gym went super well, Sir was duper se bhi uper happy which meant that next few days will be pushed with mad overload... Its funny why being happy for our progress doesn't quite help since we are expected to outdo our previous benchmark every next attempt that we try... 
Came back to again crashing on bed, this sleep wave is maybe a result of long period of deprivation. I had mentioned to Guruji about my concerns about rest and he must have worked out something energetically. I asked mom to come help me with Kanha since his fever had subsided by then and she came. But my evening went in consoling Maasi and Naani. 
My baby cousin bro. has had a series of heartbreaks which he always shares with me. However, this time the blow was complex and the plot very Filmy. I know just one side of the story and hence cant take sides even if he is my cousin. This is his 6 th time in love and pretty entangled. He owns a travel company and took a tour where there was a family with a young girl. The girl was engaged to a boy in her workplace and it was an out and out love marriage to be married in a few months. Now my baby bro and this girl hit it off in the tour and got connected , they started chatting and meeting and calling and it got serious in no time. The girl on the other hand started wedding preparations with her fiance as well as started going around and getting more involved with my cousin. Now 10 th Feb is the wedding day, its a destination wedding and she is already at the venue but constantly connected with my cousin telling him that she loves him. Now even my cousin is confused and wants to take his chance to claim his love. However neither the female nor my cousin are ready to face the consequences. This lead my cousin to go into his shell and he stopped talking to his mom and dad and my naani. They got tensed since they sensed something was wrong and  they called me. They know for sure that He shares everything with me and knew that I would know. 
Bad place to be in. Part of the evening was spent in calming my maasi, chacha and naani down. None of these are bothered about any customs and traditions. All favor love marriages and are liberal enough to embrace any 'bahu' as their own. Just that they were scared to bits thinking that my cousin might do something bad to himself. 
On the other hand my cousin kept messaging me to guide him about NOW WHAT??? from his friend's place. He had gone there for a nightout and get together, 
Catch situations are tough, uncalled for but necessary to handle... I was exhausted and asked everyone to hold on and wait till he returned back home today. 
I on the other hand took solace in Sadhana and followed it with singing riyaz, Again slept early. Was tempted to open up a book since I thought I had slept enough in the noon, but no.... I slept and boy what brilliant sleep. DREAMLESS... Thats how one must peace...

On the other hand I am super excited about the star gazing camp that I am going, Actually I always wanted to go alone or with friends , but god knows why this time Himanshu was keen on coming along. I was happy but then he added his whole office crew to the group. I am tad bit concerned that it might turn into his corporate outing.... Ewwww.... 
But I am happy as I would have AD around to make it all sensible and worth it. To be honest when Himanshu started adding more people to the booking my concerns were about gettting to go crazy and spend time with AD , there would be women and single women and AD being a single man would definitely connect with everyone with his usual charisma and charm. I was afraid and insecure of being deprived of company.... Himanshu would have his workmates and AD his women ofcourse... Then I laughed about it.... 
What was it all about at the end of the day? where did this cheap streak come from? Why did I want AD all for myself? I laughed it off in mind. Isnt all of it about being super brutally honest about our own feelings and completely authentic about what we feel and be okay with how we feel about someone. Love, affection, liking, attraction is all about purest form of inherent beings that we are supposed to be, Why does a J factor even come into picture? I am glad that I got aware and documented any possesive streak or feeling of ownership that peeped into my being. Just like I am one person sharing my physical self with one, time with another , emotions with yet another and friendship with someone and spirituality and a platonic connect with someone else, I am being foolish to limit them and their exclusivity to me. They may be equally mine as well as someone else's in full authenticity. 
When I say KANHA is not mine, I never owned him and never will. He is just through me. A complete different physical entity who has just used my womb as a medium to enter this physical world. It was a silly streak of my humanness and conditioning that I got bothered  with if I would be happy under the stars? Of everything in the world STARS which fascinate me as one of the most wonderful things in the universe.... why must I worry about being happy or getting company, attention or validation? Silly silly me.... 
Let AD be him and let Himanshu be him and let me be me.So with no expectations from anything living and a promise that I will let only the sky communicate, I close the stargazing chapter for good. Let the divine intervention make things happen as they are meant to be. My job is to be Present.
           SF has been trying to connect and message , and I am just replying with smileys. I know for sure that I will respond and speak when there is genuinely something to say. I will let this beautiful sleep abundance phase happen in full glory, I was amused to see some old pics of mine with double chin being liked by a friend. He said he found them cute. When I look back upon how inspite our standards of what we like as a generic personality in opposite sex is almost always or mostly diametrically different than our actual legal counterparts. Well, atleast in my case... I love Macho Alpha Males with Biceps beard moushes Guitar and all things which superconfirm testosteron. Himanshu is clean shaven , corporate, lean dude with mildness as his flavor. While Himanshu loves superthin women with tiny waists and long hair, I have always been stout and plump...
While I still continue to say that what lies in the HEAD , the Heart , the Being and the Soul always rules.... its just the physical contrast that amuses me. 
Another long day with class and rehearsal and sadhana and riyaz going on.... 
Yearning to write about dance.... Hope it incubates well to come out at the right time!


I loved
I lost
I found out
What love is
or maybe was
or probably will be
I don't dare
I just am

Monday, February 6, 2017


I have had movie marathons, shopping marathons, reading marathons, eating marathons....
Yesterday I had sleeping marathon. 2 hours in the noon and 8 hours at night made life better and calmer and as energetic as it can ever be... Last evening's class was packed as usual and full of work and creative satisfaction... I am amused at how Himanshu and I can chat the night away, we keep talking and laughing on nights mom and dad are home and Kanha sleeps with them. We must have talked till 1 at night... But I still remember the dream I had , it was about a borrowed shirt from one of my college mate Amruta, a sky blue jeans shirt.... the shirt was used as an overcoat by everyone and whenever we clicked a selfie , it did not show in the pic.... all of us tried wearing it...and there was some spooky horror story running in the dream and there was a lift in a wooden tower and a mossy stairway connecting a garden and a compound and a dark hallway. All jumbled up now.... I was tempted to note it down when I woke up to check up on Kanha. But though I would get alert and lose sleep.... super entertaining dream that I can't remember now :( 
I am feeling so happy of almost reaching towards the last stanza of a thumri that I am teaching in class.... finally a year where all of us are super comfortable with the pace of syllabus and rehearsals that are going on. 
Just now a very very old friend messaged me.... We used to be thick friends some 8-9 years back. I wanted to not reply or ignore his message until he immediately gave a call which I did pick. Its amazing to hear a voice I was used to hear long long back. I am glad he called , I am happy I spoke. It was a  very general random call to say hi and ask about some references regarding the styling assignments that I used to do for LIMEROAD.... 
He seemed nervous and hesitant to speak initially and asked me about some of our common friends. I hope this reconnection brings better light. Its a blessing to have your circle widen and thicken. Lots to share but guess my well rested body needs to go get some sunshine! until next post.... Live light!

Sunday, February 5, 2017

More smiles...

Yesterday's shoe went well. It's great to put up a gig without getting emotionally involved with the nitty gritty of who when why how where ...
Just go , perform your best and come back to a blissful state of mind. Happy to get a personal feedback from audience backstage. People come , meet and Feel connected.... To what the see and hear.... You maybe in a different phase in a different time zone all together once you climb down the stairs, yet the people who ve experienced the music still carry it with them... That's the magic of the phenomena that stage is.   Then there are about a hundred immediate friend requests on FB... There are messenger pings wanting to connect. And if a few of them may come to know that a singer who sings a Gazal on stage with such filled up with romance and dard right upto the brim , may not be as emotional or sensitive in real life... They feel disappointed and many a times panic...
Yes all of us whether artists or not wear masks... We have a social mask, we have a performer mask , we have a parental mask, we have a childlike vulnerable self unmask, we have a student face, we have a lover phase, we have a brotherhood facet and much more.
We are more complex than we can imagine. The earlier we accept this the better sorted we become.
And it's not important to give importance to every damn thing in life. Let some things just be, and let many things go.... I am loving how February is flowing... Challenging in some ways smooth in some.
So I was supposed to go to Bhargava's for booking the keyboard, unfortunately they were closed and thanks to AD he insisted I must call them n check with them before I left for the purchase....
So that gave me some free time to go check on him. Poor AD was all down with chills and fever. Just the perfect time for comforting a dear friend . I loved to see the glee on his face and the aura turn all warm and cosy the minute he saw me.
We spoke about mountains, climbing, finances, new people we met in these days that we were far , cellular inflammation, ketosis, Rahul Gandhi, share market, madness and passion, diabetes, brinjals, hogging, chicken, butter, dinner,blues, leather, weather and sarees and acoustic Guitar (my weak point).
The reason I always mention about what I speak with AD is because both of us are on opposite poles and yet we connect brilliantly every single time... I am thrilled to bits that he is coming with my gang of 15 for Star gazing on 18 th. It is going to be a beautiful night :)
I believe a huge part of me is an inherent nurturer... I was sad that he was fasting and I couldn't feed him silly. Well pampering can go well beyond food and they were the most beautiful 90 mins of yesterday. (Yes even better than those on stage.)
I love how radically calm and joyfully blissful o become whenever I meet AD. I am glad I took the time off and saw him. I haven't checked if he is better today, but I know he and I reach out to each other just when we need to... May divinity bless him always. One of my best co-humans ever.... I will always pray for him.
Back home Kanha still down with fever yo-yoing between 100 and 103. Came down to make some hot stew for him and put up an alarm for every two hours throughout the night to check his temperature... I was dead tired and slept in seconds...
So a night full of fragmented sleep. I never heard the alarm even once which is extremely unlikely myself.... Himanshu woke me up and I checked temperature and administered medicines water and took him for the washroom...
But I still remember that I vividly dreamt about my chuddy buddy Gauri and Shahrukh khan with his son yesterday... I am not a Shahrukh fan at all. I mean I am okay with him but not I WON'T MISS HIS FILM EVER - kind of fanatic...
I was wearing a 'Gents vest' and was encouraged by Gauri to go find something for Shahrukh... Lol.... The place looked like dharavi and I was still a woman (hilarious to see myself in a gents vest running looking for I don't know what )
Gauri (my friend and not Shahrukh's wife kept an eye on Shahrukh's infant while Shahrukh seemed to open random things boxes n gutters to frantically search for Something...
Weird weird world... Gauri also gave me a weird very sexual look on my ass when I came back in the hut to drink some water.
She will beat me up if I tell her this.... ROFL...
I have No control over my dream and hence I was wondering if it was some kind of mixed doubles threesome act that followed pre or post that scene... Alas the alarm of 5.30 am rang... The dream left unrealised...
Today is a new day... Busy in the evening but taking it slow because of Kanha. He hadn't gone to school and is a quiet sleepy kid at home. I ll just be around and make him comfortable. Thank God Himanshu is home too... Work from home is a blessing in such times. Inspector K comes to say hi after class today at Parla. Never met him till today, we ve been acquaintances. He wanted to meet , I said hell why not! Meet a cop and see how it feels... Lol... Like I told a friend today on WhatsApp chat... I am not thinking about anything right now. I am just going with the flow. One moment at a time.
Happy week ahead.

Saturday, February 4, 2017


So, today is the performance day. Last night was challenging since Kanha was running a temperature between 102-103 degrees and was talking in sleep. I was conscious to keep waking up every hour to check his temperature. He hates thermometer and it was quite a challenge to give him medicines in half sleep. I woke up pretty fresh though. Relaxed since I woke up, chilled out till now and will get going in a while. There is a list of things to be done , songs to be rehearsed once sadhana to be done since I couldn't wake up in the morn. There was someone in the morning who tried to bring the vibe down with bad energy. I blessed and ignored him. The faster he reaches out to Guruji and talks the better it is for him. I pity at his misery and suffering due to ignorant ways and  attachments to unimportant things in life. I am so much in tune with the divine plan and embrace every new change with full willingness... Thankfully I have great friends around who bring my spirits right up... Shawn made sure I regained my focus on today. Its beautiful that he understands when to let me be and when to barge in and take over. :) 
So the red saree and the works and the adornment will only help tonight if I sing equally well. I plan to go and see the Keyboard and buy it right away at Bhargava's tonight. I asked Himanshu if he was going to come with me to see, I guess he has his stuff. So like always, I dont wait.... for anything or anyone. If I want something, I go and get it. That's what I am going to do. And this means that I will start my training sooner than March. Makes me a happy girl. 
Can't wait to go star gazing that is booked for 18 th and 19 th , its going to be BEAUTIFUL.. and inspiring. 
And I forgot to mention about the SOLO trip I took the day before yesterday all across Mumbai streets all by myself to get lost in crowds and then find something on my way back... The uber pool makes me connect with strangers and drivers and start amazing conversations. I am intrigued by the cabbie who spoke about watching Ramayana on Jio and finding peace in city life far off from his family in Bihar, He also spoke about his working style, he wakes up when his eyes open gets ready and drives till he feels sleepy. Watches mythological serials in breaks. His life is so sorted and seemingly simple as he made it sound. He must be hardly 40. But so patient. He showed me how even customers are graded by the drivers and showed that I had a 4.9 rating... ROFL... The guy whom I was pooling with was a young lad of 26. He was living in a shared flat and was searching for a new home and was called in by MAGIC BRICKS, He constantly spoke with his friends in between the house hunting calls and listened and contributed to the gupshup I was having with the cabbie. On my way back the cabbie was almost 23-24 and listening to amazing gazal playlist. I was intrigued and asked him about how this choice? He said he finds Gazals peaceful to drive with playing along the background. It is a blessing to be non judgemental since otherwise I would be surprised and stamped him of having evolved taste. Who am I? NO one to stamp or label.... I spoke to him about Ghulam Ali, Talat, Pankaj Udas, Hariharan, Jagjit Singh and even Arijit... He had such well formed views about each voice... and in depth knowledge about their work...
Life is amazing.... A blessing!!! I am going to rock it today.... Happy Sunday!

Sensibly sensitive

It was 2 pm , I Blasted off a construction contractor chatting away loudly and joking his way to glory at noon in our building compound over the phone. It's not a question of tolerance. It's a question of why and how people bear with such atrocities.  My child is down with fever and I want undisturbed sleep for him and I am sure the retired residents and senior citizens in the colony must be resting as well.
I still wonder why no one raises their voice?
Just, yesterday I tried using the public ladies toilet @ranade road Dadar. A female climbing down the stairs of that Sulabh Shauchalaya spitted right near my foot as I was climbing up.
I stopped her I talked to her and told her to wake up... She must be 25... Why would people be so insensitive?
I ran towards a rickshaw which had a passenger throwing a bhel eaten paper outside... I told him that aap ko nahi lagta ki ghar jaise bahar bhi sab swaccha sundar dikhe?
I lend spare bags to so many people who shop alongside me at the market asking the subziwala for a separate plastic bag for each vegetable.
I have those net nylon fridge friendly zip bags with me which I always keep to segregate my greens. I always end up donating one as a sample to some plastic goddess beside me.
I am a sensory police... Not because I am intolerant. Just because I haven't closed my pores to the happenings around me.
I wash my fruits and veggies and then water the plants with that water...
A stopped a lady dragging her wailing child near our local garden. The little infant was covered in dust, tears, runny nose and sadness... Whatever the reason was... No human deserves to be dragged on the footpath... What could the baby have done? Been naughty? Been adamant? Thrown a tantrum?
Why such insensitive behaviour?

This may be miniscule in comparison to what many people are doing , however if each one of us starts, I am sure there will be a clean Revolution on the domestic front.
I pledge my friends around to start raising their voices against violence against their motherland and environment in their own small ways.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Graphs plunge, soar - thoughts roar!

I am over the moon that Steven has agreed to train me in western vocals from next month. I guess right people come into one's life when its meant to be. Whenever anything has pinched my wallet tight it has brought brilliant results. So be it, I am young and can work harder to fill whatever is needed... Sometimes the materialistic world scares me to hell. I never want a trip abroad , I never crave for 5 star dining.... But I feel its important to give your soul what it needs.... Education, learning, practice, wisdom and above all a chance to Experience.... all essential...
Yesterday Gym was nice! workout went well... post that It was a whirlwind afternoon since my thoughts circled around how I was going to independently manage the new phase without taking any help from anyone. I couldn't calm down. I am partially responsible  and rightly so for contributing towards one of the best schools in Mumbai that Kanha is enrolled in. But with Steven's expensive training coming into picture my square was shaking.... So I did what I had to do... Called my God. He gave me one of the best solutions for this and told me to act ASAP. I had butterflies in my stomach while I did what he told. Faith is faith. He asked me to always be confident about self worth and never underestimate. I am amazed at how impeccably amazing he can guide me towards any area in life, Personal, profesiional, financial, emotional, fitness, food .... anything....
He has been my go to Board in times high and low... Evening was super busy and packed with DANCE in class which I love. My body was sore from the morning routine and no rest but pulled through.
Sleeping in a sore body is a blessing only some people who will understand. Yesterday night was probably one of the most peaceful sleeping nights I ve had in a while. I forgot to put the alarm somehow and thankfully woke up just at the right time. Just that the way in which he woke me up was brutal. Loudly banging on the bedroom door he blurts angrily WHATS THE TIME?
I was scared to hell and almost shitted in my pants when I heard the sudden sound. I got up with a pounding heart not knowing where I was and what was wrong. The second I realized what had happened , I rushed to wake cubby up and gathered my wits. Brush and toothpaste shaking in my hands it took some time to coordinate.... I came back to bed sat down as my feet were trembling. I had heard of sudden sleep jolt paralysis... This was it. I asked Himanshu to take over for sometime till I was okay. I am amazed at how Inhuman some humans can be specially when interacting with their own children. I had woken up late for heavens sake and NOT MURDERED ANYONE.
Well, things happen and then things happen. Some people never change. Once an unfathered ORPHAN maybe will stay so for life. I forgive his soul for the harm he caused today and the damage to my resting self. No I dont deserve this, but I guess it was a lesson to make peace with some facts in life, I maybe had come to believe that after all the toxicity from my birth till today, he must have finished and done with his quota of sadistic behavior, Nope, Prajakta, learn to not expect anything even when its a question of life or death.
I have written about him earlier in a post where I thought I was done with my side of finger pointing. I am mere a human and I understand that I have such a long way to go when it comes to facing some challenges life puts forth. But I am ready and mighty ready to go many more transformations ahead. Guruji says there will be a day when one starts thinking like DIVINITY. thats the day of GOD REALIZATION. I so believe him. But I know I am still not over the Father chapter in life and I came to know of it yesterday since I still feel the pain the hurt with his hateful behavior. Phew that was a lot of Junk coming out, Has to... or else I wont grow.
I was exceptionally quiet today in the gym. My body sore and my mind shaken I went to the gym. I was expecting a simple cardio routine. Vinod Sir said FUNCTIONAL. I thought to myself body ache ke maa ki aankh I ll nail this. Without thinking HOW, I trusted him and just kept following his instructions. 90 mins down I was the happiest Girl in the city. Every mood has just one answer WORKOUT.
I met a 'burkha clad' Shazia on my way back who used to workout with my previous trainer along with me. She asked 'haay , workout band kiya kya? kitne mote ho gaye???'
Me, 'Hi, main hafte mein 6 baar aati hoon, acchi chal rahi hai training'
Shazia, 'Aapki taange acchi lag rahi hai par aap ka upper body itna broad kaise ho gaya?'
To which I replied , 'Shazia, main khush hoon.'
Shazia, 'arey nahi aapke arms mujhe bohot mote lag rahe hai, aap itni MOTI nahi thi...'
Me, 'shukriya (smiling) ,aap kaisi hai?'
Shazia, ' Dekho na kitni moti ho gayi hoon. Pura saal break liya. abhi kuch kam karne ki koshish hai. Aap ko kitna kam karna hai? '
Me, 'mujhe aaise hi khush rehna hai Shazia. phir milenge'
Shazia, 'Suno , Prajakta...kaun train kar raha hai tumhe?'
Me, 'Vinod Sir.'
Shazia, 'Oh, lucky ho gents se training karva sakti ho na.... hum nahi karva sakte. Waise hai kaise Sir? accha karwaate hai?'
Me, (smiling) 'Bye Shazia, aapna khayal rakhna'
I wont lie, I wondered what would it be to say EFF off to her or maybe tell her that one does't go that deep in shit or maybe ask her why was she being judgemental?
The above incident must give rise to two things, SELF DOUBT or PEACE. I think I am somewhere in between but a tad bit closer to self doubt. I am honestly very happy with myself and know thats what matters. But then I am worried that not all people can see happiness but weight in volumes of FAT in body. May be I am not as evolved as I though I am. Maybe I am not working hard enough. Maybe I must grind my ass more. Would getting in the stereotypical shape make me more happy then the Fit Fat combination that I dwell in? Who calls anyone FAT? any why? I must begin to ask and start answering myself these questions.

How important is physical validation for me to lead a happier life? If it is , how far will I go to achieve it? - point to ponder for the rest of the day!

Monday, January 30, 2017

Blues and new-s

Weird start of the day as cubby went for his week without walls which meant I had to make the alarm go trrrriiiingggg much early than usual to get him outdoors ready and make fresh breakfast and tiffin for him and rush n coax and push him to school half an hour early and that too without any morning meltdowns or tantrums and raised voices.... ROFL... I guess I am not much of a team player when it comes to tasks which have deadlines and getting Kanha to school is one of it... I hate to admit , but it gives me a sense of achievement and pride every single day when seemingly irrelevant or tiny tasks get completed before time. 
I hadn't slept well as usual the night before and was super anxious over back triceps that we were going to work on... I hate to disappoint Vinod Sir spevially when he so looks forward to train me. I wonder why all others call him by his name? A trainer must always be given his or her respect. I am so sure he m ust be younger than me. But what He does is stupendous... 'go go or you can do it or dont give up just 5 more or last 10 .... jayega... chalo chalo karenge....' aren't words but life lessons. I am amazed at how the workout place slowly transforms into a close knit community. I d curse myself for minding my own business all this while and not interact with people around.... All  of them have turned out to be warm and wise. All that fear based religion bias I have heard from my parents (specially father) is worthless piece of shit. Religion is not our choice, its what we are born with, just like our looks. Of course later it makes a difference as to how we turn it into a positive or a negative lifestyle is a definite choice! Its funny how a typical conversation starter in the gym is 'HOW MUCH HAVE YOU LOST?' And I just smile. I have gained a lot, lost none.... and it sets the right mood to talk further..... It takes the conversation from Struggles to empowerment. Instead of what sacrifices ppl have done or how much ppl have to cut down or how better ppl were a few days back or how ppl are not regular and how work and family ruins it.... The conversation goes on importance of keeping a check on priorities , Loving yourself, Eating clean and unprocessed and investing in yourself, about how first Raji, then Tanvir and now Vinod Sir have played important parts. I get happy to get the talks which have a positive vibe.... I hate bloopers and sulkers....
I came back home to clean up , fill up and crash for a while and then woke up with a shudder with some unknown dream. I generally remember my dreams crystal  clear but unfortunately this one I couldn',.. 
Class was super duper busy with our venue changed due to an exhibition at our regular hall plus a few new enquiries and admissions and plus the musicians coming in,plus the pressure of starting a brand new Bhaav class for the seniors.... The day ended at 9.30 took me an hour to come to bed. I hate it when unnecessary calls or pings turn up when I am about to sit for sadhana or riyaz. I took a few calls and by the time I finished it was 11 and I was droopy eyed. Got an eye shut for about an hour when the man of the house returns loudly at 12. I still try to sleep. He decides to not sleep but watch TV which is still fine but He returns to bed with noises which irritates me. Yes I am a big sleep police specially if I am half awake. Himanshu always jokes that I am a different person when I am sleep deprived. He tells me I abuse when I m woken up from sleep. I can imagine that and am also sure that must 100 percent be the case. However I dont remember even an word of what I say in the morning. He also jokes that I am drugged or intoxicated on dreams and I wonder and secretly hope I do good naughty stuff in half sleep... ROFL....
So, the watermelon allergy wasn't a fluke after the fever and upset stomach and body ache, it has given me a rash....
on my neck and chin which I cleverly hide with a concealer. Now that fruit is dead to me. 
I still feel dazed today and have to meet Steven at the studio in the noon and workout. God knows how I am going to do it... And Dad is home to take care of cubby thank goodness.... Extra classes in the evening and pending rehearsal today. I am actually missing a hug, a male hug. Himanshu is such an awkward hugger and I crave for tactile acknowledgement and validation. I am glad he is planning for things that make me happy recently, so its start gazing this weekend, Saputara in April and Machan in May. Makes me so happy. 
Sunday evening meet with Kunal and the brain storming session went well. Lets see how creative energies surge and mingle to result in something productive. I better sign off.... another poem brews within.... so far.... love you zindagi!

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Second post of the evening...!

The previous freeverse has eased me .... I feel better....
I have been trying to make Kanha learn feeding himself for quite some time now.... One hour down and a bowl of dal rice that has gone cold , my patience deserves a NOBEL...Parenting can be tough, I have juggled to the point of breakage a humongous task of having Kanha at home and fitting in studio classes gym session singing rehearsal and home front... I had to get work done till there were ppl to look after him at home in the morning... Himanshu left for lonavala early in the morning... that meant incessant alarms till he wakes up and I am shaken out of sleep. Then hius hustle bustle in and out of the bedroom frantically searching for stuff... the garbage man, the cook all turn up early when I needed to sleep just for a few more minutes... I was not as strong as my usual self while doing legs and triceps plus I had a time crunch so Vinod Sir was considerate and spared the hardcore stuff for some other day. Rushed home for studio class, Rehearsal thankfully at home while I bathed fed read to played with kanha in my breaks.... Noon he lost it , threw a fit and Blasted a full fledged tantrum. I dont hit, because its against my principals but Himanshu wants me to, thats the easier way... Viloence leads to violence.... nope ....there are words like Discipline , Anushasan, Tameez shot over me at gunpoint by my own parents.... phew.... I have to do it my way.... I let him wail it out for an hour. I guess kids have some unknown stressors they might have gathered throughout the week that come up in the form of tantrums and then get flushed out by tears. He was better after 60 minutes of cry therapy. So either give in to irrational demands or work my way through patience.... (deep down I was scared as a human to keep my calm and straight face to let him cry ) but explaination and talking wouldnt help.... He tried everything, voice, violence and surrender.... the last part worked as he returned to sleep in my arms in noon. By then my sleep had gone for a toss. My body was again cranky but my heart filled with delight as I sailed through a tough morning and noon. Now as I juggle my evening riyaz while I keep him entertained in non technology ways, I couldnt help from venting it out here....
I know I am not a mommy material at all since I am still in a 'chill maa', 'take a chill pill mom' mode myself.... But I wouldnt have known that I am not a mommy material until I became one. As totally unattached as I am to him and to anyone on  this earth. I aspire myself detaching from myself as now.... If I can achieve even an iota of that my life is set.
Self absorbed , self consious, self observant... How did I become this? I am nothing in this huge brilliant world but however a part of me makes this very world is a wonderful thought to ponder upon...

Tell me...

My dear ex-soulmate
please tell me...
When there is a gathering
Of deceptive sadness
Clogging your feelings
turning it to a damp moist stale slug
Stagnant puddle with larvae of expectations
Possessive fetuses
and a pyre of fake wisdom...
How would I search for you???
I have heard your pages...
Those jewels of allegations,
innocent yet brutal
I took a plunge, mind you...
My hands made way
Right throw the muck bed
Something soft moist vulnerable...
Severed ties are sensitive , delicate
Trying to pick them up would mean
Disintegration of Past...
Tattered longing, wounded egos
laced with dreamland of futile hopes
Their faint heartbeats
and Yes a dark outline of Mistrust
Still, I dug and tried collecting whatever I could
I had to trust my senses while I manuovered my palms to the surface
and I thought I took your Principles with me
The mucky bowl of flesh that my fingers looked like
dripped of soil dry mud, powder like and dusty....
I heard a faint peacock of values scream
I looked around for colored signs
Stripped off his feathers he tried but fell...
The recognition of green last leaf was plucked, already...
It must have been new and tender
The wound was fresh and tiny
Now, Soulmate...
would you please Ex-plain
How do we face life
be holistic and carry
wordless spring of poems
In our witnessing hearts?


- Prajakta Sathe.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Closing thoughts...

Second post in a single day. My stomach is way better, body and back ache magically subsided. Two days and three movies down I am ready to watch more, Watched
 'Ti Sadhya Kay Kartey?'
'Rajwade & Sons'
'Family Katta' 
now eagerly waiting to watch
'Carbon copy', 
'Half Ticket',
 'Lost and found', 
'Bandh Nylon che' ,
 'Kiran Kulkarni vs Kiran Kulkarni' ,
 'Bho Bho' , 
'Phuge' ,
 'Timepass 2',
'Aga bai areccha',
 'Sugar Salt Prem' ,
 'Court' not for the sake of watching but for the sheer curiosity to learn how stories develop and how marathi industry progresses... regional cinema is so underrated and I want to know why. I wont sit through a movie if I dislike it... 
There were years when I watched 1 hollywood movie per day just like a regular multivitamin pill one takes. It was a norm. I wonder why I stopped. I was a huge hollywood buff then. 
My favories were ROM COMS & CHICK FLICKS...Time to restart...
Got to hear about a friend's wife suffering from depression since last two years and is on medication...I am happy that they spoke up and treat this as a genuine health issue without fearing social stigma.  I empathize with my close friend. Her baby girl turned 1 today and got admitted for high fever. Hate to see babies and kids suffer.... rather anyone... Suffering is bad... Not all suffering is optional. But I am glad major suffering is optional.
Wisdom eases pain for sure.... Goodnight...

Winter ends...officially...

Last few days have had so many curves and graphical content that it was almost impossible to find time to post, Though writing regularly has been a promise I ve committed myself with I havent been able to stick to it. A the riyaz and the sadhana are going extremely well and so is gym, so much so that my body gave way yesterday. 
A, it was sleep deprivation due to recent sudden and incessant Snoring bouts by my legal partner. My nights have been ruined for good and its not HIS fault, its mine coz I have been a finicky picky sleep baby... I love people who can doze off at any hour any where and in noise and light.... phew I am a snob and this needs to change BIG time.  My crankiness adds to the fact that Class, gym, riyaz , sadhana, kanha , home, mom and dad's travel, is going on in full swing. Its a challenge to keep doing it day in and out without enough rest. Plus this week was specially stressful due university exam form deadline and the big deal that comes up every january and august, the technicalities, the paperwork and the phone calls and coordination. The finalisation of performance material and variation for all students is on an all time high... Hall bookings for rehearsals and artist bookings for accompaniment is ridiculously energy consuming. I have tried my level best to not have a break down and go in my shell. But yesterday night I vented it all out to Guruji. The fact that being all of this with a spiritual journey going on, maybe chakras and cleansing and nadi shuddhi taking place since the deeksha sometimes one needs a break. All things good or bad come in extremes... So this silly watermelon spoof or reality struck yet again. Dr.Paranjape had done pulse analysis and had declared that I am allergic to watermelons. My besties declared its all in the head, so as rebellious as I can get I fed myself two three pieces. Sab moh maya hai.... Hoping planning and prepared for nothing I went to bed only to lay restless due to extreme body ache stomach pain back catch and suffering throughout the night. I hadn't slept in two nights straight so my body had to shut down.... It didnt.... fucked up as I was I understood that I can either be all strong or in bed... there isn't inbetween. I had spoken to Guruji about my energy levels and how I haven't found a ground in terms of intimacy. I keep wanting more action in bed and just like working out keeps me going, great sex adds on to it. I understand legal halves may differ and be stressed or tired or may be unable to match, but one should try. There is a difference in BEING READY TO DO IT & ACTUALLY DOING IT.... I am not a frustrated woman in terms of physical satisfaction. There are ways and then there are ways...
In our recent get together of college friends we raised the topic of sexual health. I was sad to hear not many folks give intimacy a priority. No one talks about self pleasure, no one admits masturbation. Why are such topics taboo? I am so much in tune with my own needs that step one is I do admit my self please episodes to my legal partner. Again I am saying that my pleasure or satisfaction isnt solely HIS responsibility. Its ridiculous to hold your partner fully responsible for any happiness, mental, emotional or and physical. So, I take matters in my own hands and keep my health and fitness going be in or out of the bedroom.... Making love , having sex or self pleasure is as important as nutrition, clean eating and staying active. Guruji has said that even Gods have reincarnated in human form in order to experience Love/intimacy. having said that I told Guruji everything that happened recently. I am so blessed to have him one message, call or drive away.... He always patiently listens... 
I blocked someone from whatsapp due to baggage and negativity. With or without him If I have to make it , I will. No more staleness and puddles of dark... I am in full fledge light... I was super hesitant to do it but my God have me a gentle nudge and I am glad he did. Now I am free of conditions and attachments and ties and strings that are badly pulled at wrong places. No the human was never a mistake , that human was a lesson.... I am amazed at how detached I can be to someone whom I had complete faith in some time back.... let bygones be bygones... Some things showed up in memories on FB and this time last year we were together as a team. Change is what I ll accept.
And then I couldnt sleep even today noon.... body still hurts like a million pricks. I was warned about body aches when chakras open up. I am sure my karmas must be washing off. I am not much of a sufferer. I like to express and let go.... I was super horny and high since yesterday morning and noon.... I wanted love which I couldnt get for many reasons...I craved for company, well, the pain gave me company till now... Amazed at how body rebels if denied of its wants.... 
A friend narrates episodes of elderly couple trying to convince a young couple with a child having a genetically inheritable  degenerative disorder to have another baby. The friend and the young couple were furious. The female in the young couple even told the elderly couple that she would have to abort several times till a healthy fetus was conceived to which the elder man said SO WHAT???
Now this is how toxic garbage passes on from one human to another. Personal life is a personal decision, intimate matters need to remain in the couple unless they decide to share it. Well, I know all the parties very well in the story. There is no right or wrong. I am not taking sides. Elderly couple has age related frustration and ego which they might want to throw and give unseeked advice. Their journey. I would have smiled and kept my mouth shut had it happened to me and it has happened. Initial me before spirituality happened would have given right and left to the couple fighting it out till I emerged a winner and proved a point. But now I love what beauty and magic of what mute can achieve. Silence wins many challenging battles... And my new found love for silence just proves it right. 
What is the point in pulling and maintaining relations for the heck of it. Dil chahta hai to call karenge contacts banaye rakhenge. Himanshu is amazed as to how I never call even call my own parents or his. Not that I don't love them, just that I am not connected to them like they want. I ve had lovely time with my in laws when they are here or when I ve gone back home... We have spent hours chatting and gossiping and discussing life philosophy history... But I like to connect to them in person. I cant keep contact virtually . I am equally comfortable with ABSENCE as much as I am with PRESENCE. 
I am immensely excited that many friends are curious about Guruji and a few of them want to meet him too! I came to know about AD's age and this reaffirmed that AGE is just a number. He is almost 20 years elder to me but just compliments me in every way. We are like a house on fire when we meet but at the same time I dont miss him when he is not around. This is magic. I make NOW as real and action oriented as possible. 
An FB acquaintance recently asked me questions about my past out of curiosity and I answered without any inhibitions. Just that I have a question for myself.... how does it matter? It does for getting stories and get fascinated with life!!!! I completely love listening to ppls stories. Thats what humans get driven by..... 'what made some one what they are' today is fascinating to the listener. I am happy I told about some instances about my past clinically without any involvement or attachment to it... 
S.F. and I shared some lovely moments on phone where we shared our ups and downs and life and light design sensibilities and arabic culture and animals and guitar.... and alternative medicine...wildlife and nature...I am glad to have him in my life... 
AD , SF have been gifts from life. I am glad I know them. 
I dont know how the evening will go and if I can get back to my schedule tomorrow. Lets hope for the best! Dear Body please cooperate...

Saturday, January 21, 2017


Today started on a relaxed note of a Saturday morning. Went to the gym to see the full cardio area shut for servicing and maintainence. So had to rely on functional training . Knee lock dead lifts, step ups, leg raises, crunches, reverse air walking and jumping jacks combined to make a great workout. Got to know a few gym ppl closer. Networking takes place in the most unlikely areas... Came home to a hurried lunch , nap (which was hampered with construction noises) and then rehearsals for an upcoming performance. The accompanists, the people around , the co performers had considerable low energy but the practice was okay. I ll be giving my best nevertheless. I guess it's okay to unlearn and make do with lesser technology and appreciate and shine a show with lesser instruments . Maybe the voice will shine, maybe not. Without thinking about it, I am just going to go with the flow. I made new friends today. Got to know a bunch of complete strangers on my way back. It's interesting how with less anxiety I can strike a conversation with  a heterogeneous group of people. Came home famished... Whipped up some hot soup and steaming Patra. Himanshu suggested we go to the terrace. Very unlikely of him to say something like that. He is a lounging araaam lazing sleeping driving type of a person. Maybe the fitness keeda may have struck him. We walked while chatting for an hour. I was not up for a recardio , however couldn't resist to connect with Himanshu after long... So be it I said. I walked with him on the terrace for an hour. Came down to watch our favorites Indian Idol. Then adorned the role of a Bharatiya patni and rolled hot Rotis for him. Yes I do that, I like to at times pamper my folks. Not always but , well mostly whenever it is in my power. So I let him do his man thing and lie down with the remote as I cooked and fed him. Post that I remembered to check FB 200 likes already for today's rehearsal pic. Lol.... I regret not playing football with the young teens of my building when I felt like in the morning. At the most they would have said no.... Why why why didn't I try or ask, when I felt like kicking .... I really wanted to play as I saw them at it on my way back home from gym... Lesson learned. Do not fret or regret. Just do it.... That's all for today... Hope my cub sleeps well at his grandparents home tonight without troubling them. Concerned about them more not him... He can be such a bully at times... Long day... Learnt some things... Met few new souls. Connected with old... All is well. I am blessed.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Fear is a Liar

Thinking about fears and philosophy has made me realize that the more I think about it than do anything about it the more stagnated I become. Breaking of walls around me will create many first times for not just me but for some very close people around me. Like I was raised by instilling unknown fears about what could go wrong instead of reassurance of what could go right. Though I did have fun (i had to rebel for it) in my younger years. But now when Independence was realized and I was responsible for utilizing my freedom for growth there were challenges. Having raised in a conservative atmosphere I waited for 10 years to start reinventing my dressing style though initially with an undertone of judgement. There were eyebrows raised, there were questions and there were mild controversies around the people who thought they had a say to how I must appear in public. Off shoulder , cleavage, pouts , posing, red lips were all cultural shocks to the people back home. I so wanted and so I did. Forget about objectifying imagery , adultery, remarks, facing in-laws , being labelled - the only thing on my mind was, to do what I really want to do and be what I wanted to be.
Like how it shocked the hell out of my maternal biological link knowing that I drank when I wanted and to accept that offsprings raised in a non spirited surrounding can turn into social drinkers... The fact that alcohol never excites me and if it ever did I would go for it. Doesn't this apply to so many other things in life? I almost peed in my pants a year back when a body builder came along to greet me and talk to me in the gym. Why??? I had everything that could have made me have a sane conversation to a timid gentle man or an intimidating looking pumped up human, physical attributes were nothing that could come in between communication. But I did feel the pressure I had to gather courage to respond. I reacted first by raising my guards.  A year back I answered to him in monosyllables , today I have long chats with him after we workout and discuss nutrition and crack a joke.... how lovely is that. A year back I anticipated his loud voice and humongous body to have rowdy undertones. My bad I judged. Now I don't. Even then I would say that there is still some shell that needs to be cracked. I cant start up a conversation with lovely cabbies. I cant say hi to my andawala if his cycle passes my way. I cant initiate  a conversation. I can only participate if the party in front starts first. Long way to go. But now for this year NO FEAR , FEAR NOT, FEARLESSNESS will be the way to go...

P.S. We were discussing the importance of positive reinforcement and complimenting people. Hubby says its to personal to compliment anyone on their perfume. Hell, I d rather let the person know that he smells great than regret not saying it. It would break Ice make him feel good and me warmer... apart from that I like and I say what I like.... as simple as that. I would never in my wildest dreams go up to any person who needs a deo and say YOU STINK , Start using a good antiperspirant - Thats a helluva different level for me to achieve. lol... I do compliment people on attributes that they are not born with, eg. something which they chose for themselves. I d rather compliment on their talent than their physical features first. anyways... Long day ahead.... bbye for now!

Points of F...

I cancelled another appointment due to someone's indescicivenes and lack of following a protocol. It was a rehearsal that was supposed to start at 1 pm. I was asked to extend the time and start at 1.40 to which I reluctantly agreed. Then the person shifted it to 2.30, I took a call. My time energy and effort is as precious as the party in front , hence in best interest of both I cancelled. I wonder if the cancellation would affect the performance since now we directly meet for the grand rehearsal. So be it. A commitment and respect for the time is universal and should never be compromised unless it's a life and death situation. I cancelled a few important commitments in the morning to have this rehearsals , nevertheless I ll gather things around and pick it up right from where it's left.
I hope the lack of punctuality trait doesn't lead to unfriending and blocking some good ppl from my life. I hope I gather courage to speak up what upsets me and let them know that this thing is non compromisable. Period.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Musical evening...

Tuesday noons are relaxed and hence any off track plan to be done happens today. So after a hectic morning routine , breakfast with dad , gym and lunch I was resting and going to take it slow however slow isn't meant for me ever I guess. My dear friend visited me to talk talk and talk more. We listened to music Classic rock and blues from Simon and Garfunkel , Ravel Bolero , BB king, Tribute to Led Zeppelin to nirguni bhajan by Pt.Mukul Shivputra, hori by Kalapini Komkali , Return of Shakti unplugged with Zakir Hussain to popular music... He decided to break his fast and I decided to pamper. It gives utmost pleasure to feed a hungry soul. He binged and hogged and I was happily tossing food from plan to his plate. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach they say... Well it is too bookish a comment... There is only way to anyone's heart I guess and that is Food. Lol... Food bonds us binds us thickens us mends us bends us... I am glad We looked up researched and discussed his forthcoming lifestyle change with Ketogenic diet that he is ready to adapt for good. He is teaching me to be unashamedly brutally honest about strengths and weaknesses...  It was an amazing evening filled with laughter , fun, aromas, tastes , music , talks , food and warmth. I am one blessed soul and so is my friend... We are lucky to have each other in our lives. I also got the new year message by my Guru and Sadguru around the same time. Such a fabulous timing. Pondering over the message.... Until next post. Bbye!