philosophically hers,
hair accident.
so i decided that i shud have curly hair for this years ganpati fest. so i got a styling comb from market... and it was a good branded expensive one. washed conditioned and dried my hair with best possible styling products available (at home) and then decided to take a plunge.... i started of ff with my new comb. took a huge layer of my hair from the forehead and rolled it over the curler comb from ends to roots..... and voila..... they got stuck........
i was surprised , i had seen success and just success in the famous salons while using such combs........and the hair got all entangled , pulled stretched..........i just couldn't decomb it...........couldn't turn it backwards......the comb was struck. shit.............i was in real roots were getting pulled and my head started paining..... the more i tried to detangle it the more it got worst.....i lost it.........i panicked............i was mad...........i was in a real bad state. i couldn't even see what was going on up there because it was my forehead... and i was trying and getting tired. i tried for 1 hour.
it was embarrassing to go to the parlour with a comb struck in the hair and nothing seemed to be helping. so i decided to do some home remedies..... i oiled it.............i shampooed it , made it soapy.....applied cream to smoothen it........pulled it...pushed it........shit, nothing helped....... i was so helpless. i cut off all the bristles of the comb.......still it wudnt i cut it off.......
now i had a fringe on my forehead, very unlikely me............and so i went to the parlour to give it shape. the parlour woman in turn gave me a great gift, a bad bad haircut to top it off...........i was so hell pissed...... i just came with a nest on my head back home...........i will have to live with the nest in my nest for some months was a hair accident.....phew!!!!!!!!!!!!
The girl with luscious locks is the gal with poky noodle nest....for next 3 months..........grrr...........god save ppl who c me!!! till them....i am going underground, wearing hats and masks and caps or just plain hiding my silly face........uuf!
realistic fantasy...
she was bright in studies as well and being an only child of her parents, they wanted the best 4 her.she goes thru a loveydoveyy affair with a casenova. eventually realises her mistake and ends the relationship. a year down the line the casenova changes..... he realises his mistake and wants her back. so sends his bestest friend to coax her that he genuinely loves her and wants her back in a serious relationship...but she flatly refuses. but while explaining to the best frnd y she is saying no they get talking for long hours and the frnd forgets convincing and falls for her..... he proposes she meekly says lets try(which is taken as a yes). he wants her as a wife not just as a gf. he thinks of her as a perfect spouse material and takes her to his parents...
His parents tell her all abt him, abt all his habits about his laziness abt him being the most untalented member of the family about how insincere he is.....everything. they give her a fair idea of what is instore ahead and also warn her of the concequences.... she isnt in a mindset to listen. her parents ask her to rethink. they tell her to spend some more time to decide before taking any decisions. but boh of them are adament and crazyly blind in love. they just wanna b together and thats all. they just cant wait for anyone. inspite of asking them 2 go around and date for some more time, they decide to get engaged.
the decision of marriage has some burden over both of them and hence both of them decide to work. ????? nothing both had their priorities set.
hers (emotional romantic)
her man
their family
their home
his (practical unromantic)
their family
his woman
(the home option did not exist)
a match made in the problems started... less love more fights.........they were in a mess..... the marriage broke...........story ends...i loved rockon........farhan akhtar - artistic talent =
the man here and prachi desai + artistic talent = the woman here...simple........isnt it???
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