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with the music still blasting from ma speakers, here i am updating on the happenings in ma life. I had 3 of my wisdom molars removed from the maxillofacial surgeon this weekend. it was a mini surgery which took a close to two hours and resulted in a CRANKY , HYPERSENSITIVE , PAINFUL , IRRITATING me. with ma mouth swollen and a look of a MEGA HANUMAN..... hahaha dats exactly d way i looked for last 3 days....people thought i had some kind of ......hahaha, well!!!! the swelling now going down slowly....and the pain now diminishing and a new sound me emerging out of nowhere..... the pain killers, the anesthesia numbness....the n number of capsules.....innumerable mouthwashes.....all will come to an end by the coming weekend.... hahaha , hopefully!!!! and hopefully i wont have any more wisdom tooth digging into my cheek haphazardly. stupid teeth, they dont even know how to grow!!!! dare if any molar now tears thru my cheek.....i ll have it extracted ruthlessly........ (ruthless on myself not on the molar in supppose) i am heavily excuse my absurd blogs.....bahbye!!!!!!!!!!!
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