today is moms 50 th birthday........all my aunts r coming to wish her at grandma's place...its gonna b a helluva fun at the lunch. i wish grandpa wud c all this.......its been 1 year grandpa....and i still miss u so much.......mum will cry today and so will grandma....we will keep remembering u ma.............
a summer pet project taken up by me as a part of do something for earth day in which every way u can....well, i called up a bunch of frnds and demonstrated one of the most inexpensive and gorgeous way to take garden inside ur living room....terrarium.... though one ,may find many videos on the net showing the demo of the same....there is no such thing called as a fool proof thing and when u deal with live plants......some varieties r hardy while some arent....the moisture content etc need to b checked on.there also has to b a tab on nutrient supply......excess supply of both is harmful since that ll make ur garden frow out of ur glass jar.... well, its simple, inexpensive and beautiful!!! i flaunt it in my living room.......and my frnds in theirs...... planning to make a cacti terrarium soon!!! will keep uploading d snaps!!!!! gee.....
Hi, I used to blog on yahoo 360 earlier which is closing soon. So i v transfered all my previous blogs to this account and posted a few brand new ones. U'll find many blogs posted in the month of June'09 the reason being this recent account transfer. All the June blogs have been written in the span of last 4 years. Hope you find the time and patience to read a few. Do feel free to comment on the ones u like and also some others which u don't quite enjoy. Happy reading. Looking forward to reading some of your blogs as well. Send in the links of your blogs asap.
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