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Tuesday, June 30, 2009


an sms from adear friend ,"hey, wotsup? me getting drunk n chattin up with a frnd. feels sooooo good!!!" (????) Alcohol is everywhere! Our local supermarket probably has a whole aisle full of beer and wine, or maybe all of us have a liquor store a few blocks from our house. Billboards show young, good-looking people holding colorful drinks. The people who make and sell alcohol spend big money trying to convince us that it’s the center of a fun, exciting life...and millions of young people see those messages every day. Well, the truth about alcohol isn’t in those ads. The truth is much more complicated! our brain feels foggy v think and see differently v can be slow and clumsy v may react to things slower v may be unable to control our emotions.

its more about the real vulnerability that we othervise inhibit ourselves in showing to the world that comes out of us when we are drunk.....

drink to celebrate

drink to mourn

drink for success

drink for loss

drink for passing

drink for failure

drink for wedding

drink for divorce

drink if she says yes

drink if she says no

drink for a breakup

drink after a patchup

drink in joy

drink in pain

a toast for the health

a peg for sickness

a shot in the morn to kickstart the day

another one to end it

a drink in lazyness

another one for super charging

one in boredom

another one in busy schedule.

the list can go on and on and on............... but 'daru' has been irreplacable, irresistable, unbeatable amongst the greatest beverages all over the world. i share a huge opinion in this regard. i d love to share it. but with its sharing would come emotions n upheaval..... i m neutral ....not a suporter neither an opposer of alcohol. but i have my views on it..... vodka, gin , rum, whiskey, beer, wine, tequilla and all the works........ salllllam to all the liquids......


to parat ala, hya veles veglya prakare.... mitra mhanunach, pun kahisa vegla.... tyachya nastyatun asleli sthitapradnyata janavli.... ata tyachya yenyane tyachi alipta guntavnuk, maitritahi an astitvatahi. nirapeksha javabdari jar ayushyat kadhi janavali asel tar kalel mazha mhanana. mug te darrojcha karyakram aso kivva alela changla vait anubhav aso ki daruchi tallaf aso.... sarva kahi nimut, sadaiva, niyamit ni suralit.... maitritla innocence ani non-judgemental attitude kitti mahatvacha asto he anubhavlyavachun na kalnyacha samarthya ni vichar tyanech nakalat manat perla....

hi konitari durvar 'asnyachi' shidori tatkaal sampel ki purun urel hyachi parva na karnyat befikari nahi..... ek vishwas ahe. kay mahit, kahi kaik varshannantar ha duva amchya atmacharitryacha ek chan khas chapter banel. ashi apeksha nahi, hope suddha nahi..... ek sambhavana ahe. bara mi kahi uthun vishech tyachya baddal lihava asa kay special? ki te special nahi mhanun lekhi nond thevavi...? tar tasa kahich nahi. keval dakhal mhanun nahi tar manapasun vatata mhanun he lihila.....

mug bhale te tyacha daru pina asu det nahitar recently coincidently mazhi 'daru' hya vishayavarchi tham mata asu det. ha virodhabhas mahatvacha, majjecha ni khas swatahacha ahe..... he goad ahe, niragas ahe, amcha ahe ni hava havasa ahe.... he maitra ahe.... ata ha pravas nirav ni shantpane aat dhaddhadat rahil.... jivantapane.... nirantar..... anubhavanurup..... shrimatkarat. mazhyasathi....


ahh....... an interesting problem, i got a new student from ukraine to learn kathak from me..... she paid her fees, filled her form and did all d formalities.... i started by explaining the importance of nataraj in traditional classical dances in india, the role of a guru in teaching and the gratitude to b expressed to mother earth in allowing us to step on her and dance and towards seeking blessings from the audience to present our art in front of them... all of this is important 2 know as a dancer and its important to give due respect yo all of the above. now julia said she wudnt b doing the authentic namaskara as her religion doesnt allow her to bow infront if anyone. grrrrrrrr..... i dint know wot to do...... any comments???? i am left wondering..... how do i react over this?

cute entry in the class...

a small little baby..... a younger sis of a student of mine came to drop her elder sis at cklass and wudnt go back.... so i asked her mom to wait and let her b in the class......... she wasv sooooooooo very super excited in looking at all d girls dancing she started hopping and dancing in her place..... she ran thru-out the class screaming with joy. she went and hugged all my students, then she also kissed many of them..... hahaha such a cute girl..... in between she suddenly opened someones bag bought out the waterbottle and offered water to another student of mine. she had absolute innocence and no inhibitions........ i am amazed.... and my girls were more than happy to include her in their practice... she was merely 15 months old but made our evening sooooooo happppppy. i thanks u little one...... ur innocence and being happy in others happiness really inspires me.... do visit us sometime again!!!! muaaah.......


i ve got a sort of particular sharp pain in my back which only emerges out while i am sleeping. it doesnt trouble me in the day..... hope this is temporary. i m advised to start doing surya namaskaar for it.... lets c if the sedentary lifestyle breakthru can reduce the pangs....

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