some great things happened in professional life.... march 2008 has brought with it some real good merriment and happiness. established 5 branches of my dance institute in mumbai and dat makes me feel.....over d top....naah....on cloud nine!!!! not dat i have accomplished much, but i am happy dat its made me feel good and confident about certain things in life. like i wud b able to do my bit towards the great art of dance..... an art form which has given me everything in life which i have...... i must thank all my gurus for having inculcated the artistic values and discipline due to which i could reached where i am today and i also seek their blessings for all the years to come to go a step further each day towards achieving more and more in the field of creative art , a dream every artist holds in his/her heart. touch wood.... i am touched with the cooperation of my family which includes my blood ties, my friends , my students, their parents and all my well wishers and not forgeting the greatest in all my critics (also a part of my family) NINDAKACHE GHAR ASAVE SHEJARI.... i am all senti n emotional..... i ll signoff before i start crying.... THANKS.
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