hahaha....... u must b wondering about me going insane, talking abt christmas in summer......but i m just telling ya abt the caption under which Maid In Manhattan was released.....its such a chweet story........J.Lo. looks angelic and gives another super performance with an edge of agression. I loved this one in particular... muaaah to the dancing diva who can sing , act and steal our hearts all at d same time!!! and yet look amazingly sensously innocenty...dats her magic!!!
after the westernised version of desi saas bahu saga in a videshi wrapped monster in law was the turn of another girl next door type image of J.Lo. in the wedding planner. i loved these rom coms with some cute underlying storylines and some of the most cutest performances by dapper looking actor......ahh........this is called home entertainment....v r blessed with these movies in our collection!!!!!!!! isnt it?
finally the workshops ended and vacations started........a month long (short) break for this worked out soul.... chirpy mornings spent reading the news papers and lazy noons spent watching hollywood comedy on the new lcd with cold air blasting from the ac and evenings spent in visiting new eatery joints and coffee shops around the townis just the puuuurfect way to spend an ideal holiday...... wow!!! the 1st crazzzzzze was of the J .Lo. Movies watched back to back ....3 in a row..... wow........jane fonda, jen... ralph fiennes, matthew Mc Conauhhey, Michael Vartan and Wanda Sykes delivering heart rearing performances....delicious........
Hi, I used to blog on yahoo 360 earlier which is closing soon. So i v transfered all my previous blogs to this account and posted a few brand new ones. U'll find many blogs posted in the month of June'09 the reason being this recent account transfer. All the June blogs have been written in the span of last 4 years. Hope you find the time and patience to read a few. Do feel free to comment on the ones u like and also some others which u don't quite enjoy. Happy reading. Looking forward to reading some of your blogs as well. Send in the links of your blogs asap.
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