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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

kitkat break bantn hai!!!

Ahem....with the chaotically slow pace in which life goes...undethered....unalterated but absolutely superadulterated, i am so fatigued to the hilt that i need a break at a place dat i dreamt of last night... it was a dream in was a lavender tinted picture of a palace and a beautiful long pool in the front yard...i was running towards it and absolutely thrilled to enter the other side of the world.... it seemed mystic and alluring to me....

by the time i woke up, i felt so much in need of a break. i feel like fleeing off this hotch potch and flocking on with mt thoughts to the foothills of the Sivaliks or the Sahyadris....maybe alps or the amazon forests....somewhere....anywhere but this city.....hate hate hate being here in mumbai at the seems so dull grumpy and cold here....awaiting some romantic mushy warmth in my life.... hopefully someone wud answer ma prayers now!!! hell ya... i am all game for being hooked-booked and cooked by a MAN.... ;D dats wot abu-sandy call it in their glossy 1st ladies fast track questionaire.... hehe!!!

purple passion...

There was a time when I hated the color Purple and any shades of it.... But suddenly out of the blue i ve developed a liking for it!!! its actually immerged thru its hideous dull cocoons and transformed itself into a butterfly to mesemerise me with its pretty hues.... lilac, violet, wine......u name it and i love it!!!! blame it on age or refurnished fashion sense, the fashioniestas have voted for this one as the color of the season....its cool yet warm .....philosophically mild yet peaceful and mushy........mmmmmmm i am feeling violet all over again..... soak in the lavender dreams of sensual bliss......atain NIRVANA!!!

aroma in the house...

whenever the neighbours cook greasy curries endering a curried oily aroma of garlic and onions in the air i take up my own li'll tools to clear off the pungency. i love my home to remaing crisply fragrant and fresh 24X7....well, here's what i do.... i dont light up any aroma candles or incense nor do i spray any room freshner..... i squeeze fresh lemons in a spray container and spray it on the curtains and in air like a room actually works and the citrus fragrance clears up all ur personal blues if any.......another hint is to tell ur house help to squeeze two full lemons in the floor cleaning water instead of the usual floor cleaner..... try this for a change and ur home will smell like a million bucks!!!!!! no more neighbourhood tantrums henceforth.... lime-n-lemony treat!!!!!!!!!!!! chilling with a tall glass of lemonade in hand and another bowl of paneer tikka masala (given by my neighbour ;) hehe...)in another!!!

of late...

Over the last few months life has taken a U turn and has changed the way i look at things..... its a completely new perspective. with the number of ppl i com e across on a day to day basis, i look at it in a third person form. not that i am not involved in the whole thing but its more of a neutral attitude. I ve been more tolerent, least expecting and more brooding types of late which is very unlikely me and more often i do not react to any given situation in a way i used to.... call it maturity....nay....its not.....but i think a trillion times before i utter a word. its not even a self conscious phase. its just utterly uncomfortable outside but extremely peaceful inside feeling... things are turning out to b almost better than perfect and to every given stance the I in me is melting away.... can feel it go.... its not easy to let go but then its a feeling of unbelonging to self that turns its face on to u... connecting to spirituality even thru routine mundane things seems an impossible task but mind u its a game.... it gets upto u before u cud even think that its happening... Just that the time runs so fast!!! can even sense the weeks gushing off the year and feb coming right thru 2009..........well, the sadhus in us will let us be I hope!!! amen....cheers to nonimpulsive submission of melted egos.......!!!

Nail it!!! stupid girly stuff.......completely idiotic!

I ve had a recurrent dream of having wonderful long beautiful nails, I ve been sulking since years for having short stubby and square nails which refuse to grow and bend or break if unattended..... So i decided to give it all up and ignore the fact that the nails ever existed..... and one fine day while holding himanshu's arm....he screamed.....UR NAILS!!!! they are hurting me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mind them praj.... and i looked at them and i screatched!!!!!! wow...... i had these wonderful well grown nails......wonder where they came from???? not that i got them stuck on by glue or something. (i am not much into the cheap arty types) ofcourse they werent all that shapely but then i cud ofcourse shape them!!!! wow..... i rushed to my house for quick filing and a slappping of cream and there they were in all their glory........ even i cud have them!!! hurreey!!!!!! hope this is still a reality when i type with fll speed on the laptop.... the nails stubbornely resist to cooperate.... lol....who cares...... kudos to nature and hell on anything for vanity!!!!!!! here's to everyone celebrating outer beauty!! ;D hehe!!!

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