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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I, me , myself...

Well, after a bout of self pampering and supersplurging spree...I relax without an iota of guilt or regret in having spent thousands on 'LUXURY'. But i feel good!!! Call it consumeristic diahorrea or materialistic urge...i feel better!!! Retail therapy works for me as good as aroma therapy does, and viola!!! Today I have treated myself to both... kya baat hai! When I spend a humongous amount of my hard earned MONEE on resonably unresonable stuff, I put my spiritual self to sleep for a while...let it rest...go on a short n chweet vacation!!!, no no selfish? NOPES I have a better word....SELF CENTERED. Good. But isnt that we all really are? I dunno about all u guys BUT I am.....and will be this way. And i love myself for all that I have done today. Absolutely NO REGRETS!!! The lavender helps me calm down, really....over to some beauty sleep......zzzzzzzz............

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