It was a nice day. The traffic treated me kindly if not the roads. My rick conquering the pits digs puddles muddles giving me oodles of Zhatkaas inside. Wot a wonderful way to churn food!!! Better than belly dancing i suppose. And BKC roads treat u real ROYALLLLLLLLLY...... U almost appear like a post delivery mommy coming out of the labour room. Exhausted but relieved... So much so for a suburban travel by public transport. The buses r equally cruel to ur asses... but let dat topic be since I dont travel by d BEST anymore.
Had a fantastic evening class in a pouring n beautiful shivaji park. Got to see Siddhivinayak Ganu visarjan on my way back. My fav Pt. Suresh Wadkar singing BRILLIANTLY on times of india sponsered mobile stage. Really happening. His taans, his utaar chadhaavs, his theheraaav, the khanak in his voice...the gunj of his swar cannot possibly be explained by the finest words our global language. Besides...I dont feel the need to explain a man who hasnt heard Sureshji wot Bhaktisangeet, Abhang, Sugamsangeet, Bhavgeet is all about. A person who thinks in english or for that matter a non - Rasik wudnt care a dam abt wot all stuff I m talking here about.I heard two of his enchanting numbers in the procession today, OMKAR SWAROOPA ....and VITTHAL AVADI PREMABHAV...simple mind blowing. I m still mesemerised!!! Cudnt b a better way to say good bye to our dear Ganu. na?
Had fight with a dear friend of mine over the phone while watching NACH BALIYE - III. It was about some stupid issues disturbing the both of us. I showered my verbal puke all over and the poor thing had to zip lock his mouth. Not that he dint get a chance to explain, but he chose to shut up. So, I won!!! Ohh, did I? Did I really? Made some fab kheer, with dry fruits et al and savoured it to the hilt!!! Sweet ending of a day. And d aroma candles calling me to float in slumberrrrrrrrrrrrr. bbye!!!!
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