Ahh these october days, give me sleepless nights. I simply dont understand d logic. All of us shud practically have the freedom to work where, when, how, for wot time, with whom and for whom we wanna work with. I prefer to stay awake throughout nights and sleep off as d day rises. I m a total nocturne-woman. I WISH I CUD SLEEP ALL DAY. Coz nights r when my cunning brain wakes up. Its at this time dat I m at d best of my wits n creativity. I feel like reading writing chatting eating working out cleaning up d house rearranging ma stuff talking on d phone chatting with friends all AT NIGHT. How I wish I cud teach students at d midnight hour n also do my Kathak riyaz at night. I would b in my n of nicest moods but not to the greatest convenience of my neighbors. Alas we live in a conservative cosmo boringly corporate set up which really limits our lives n d way we wanna live it.
Well with exams exactly 34 days round d corner, I m at my easiest best n completely relaxed. Not dat I ve finished studying and dat I m preped 4 d exams but simply I m not STRESSED this time around. I shud b in one of the peek nail biting state until now. But dats not just happening. I m Merrily in d the festive mood n taking it easy as if each day was a holiday. Gosh Praj, wot r u doin? Do u wanna flunk??? NO i dont. Then WAKE UP... Start slogging dudette!!! Naah, I m just too lazy or just plain bored to do anything. I wanna sleeeeeeeep around....read newspapers.....watch movies.....n shop till I drop......wanna sing...........do everything else but work and studies.
Ahh, dats a puuuuuuurpuuuuuuurfect way. Totally kickass.... On my way to glory because this is exactly wot i do every year, year after year for succeeding n examinations. Way to go praj, keep d spirit going. TAKE LIGHT!!! Wonder when will December arrive and free me up from all d worries n tensions. I'll get to meet all d ppl I ve promised to catch up n do all d new things I want. Burning soul in sheer exhasperation phrase for my current state.
Diwali is gonna b hectic n dreanched in exam frenzy. But I have my pets who'll come to ma rescue. My fish n my birds....yessss Here i present a dear one. Its an Orange Dwarf Gourami. One amongst 26 other beauties in my fish tank. Such a stress buster these r. I call the above one MADHURI DIXIT-NENE. Whenever I see this fish I remember Mads dancing in a saffron lehenga-choli in d movie BETA. The sensous Dhak dhak karane laga.....drives all of us crazy isnt it? I wonder about d craze in d tank coz i m sure d other men swiming around would have majanuofied by now. So much so for a GOURAMI DIXIT....hehehe....a crazy blog from a crazy gal. Chauvernism personified.
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