Another eventntful day spent in an unflatteringly uneventful manner. Well, to start with I suddenly realised the undoubted significance of househelp and the status of all the single and not so single working women all over the world without any. Yes, they have unassumingly become THE inevitable , unobtrusive and absolutely essential part of our lives and I doubt atleast my personal survival in my social world and career without a MAID. Well,
a sink full of stinky utensils, soiled kitchen platform, sticky floor, unwashed linen, dusty upholstry, undusted furniture, filled garbage bags , unchanged bedsheets, un-laundered clothes, slippery bathfloor, unwatered n untrimmed garden, unpiled books, uncatagorised cds, unfolded clothes, unanswered door bells n phone calls, empty fridge , much much much empty stomach and inturn a not so sweet temper are the results of this unmaid sorry dismaid no no mismaid...oooops no maid day.The above site after a hard day at work reeeeealllllly kills u.Seriously, I m not joking!!!! It does... and there is no use cribbing n sulking n cursing n reinventing some more bad words from your not so often used bad word dictionary.Hehehe....yes, dats exactly wot i do!!!I laugth it off... There isnt anything better that i can do either.Particularly when u ve had a typical not so smooth day at work. The transport, ur boss, ur colleauges, ur subordinates, the bus conductor, the t.c., the cab man, the rick man.... the local chaiwala or probably the regular sandwichwala or ur canteen man have decided ban u from peace of mind for the day and hence u keep on miserably failing in every other task u try to do.Destiny, i call it. Ahh....did we just realise that maximum people harressing u throughout the day are MEN!!! Whoa....now this is reeeeealy a SHOCKING discovery!!! Solution??? Ummmm....lemme think!!! U either come back dead tired and sleepy in to your messy home and:start cleaning up all the mess for hours together and go to sleep on an empty stomach since u wouldnt have any more energy to stir-up a meal for urself,or u get dressed and go out partying for the night to swirl away the blues on the dance floor, or u go to sleep over to ur friends place fora slumber pyjama party since pyjamas would be the only clean attire left by then in ur wardrobe, or u would let the mess b and order the O SO - crunchy pizza from ur favourite joint and settle down on ur sofa chilling out with a glass of wine or classic rum on rocks or a chilled beer watching the 20-20 match, indian idol finals, nach baliye recap etc etc etc... THE CHOICE IS YOURS!!!!! Wot abt me? To be frank i have logged on to the net to update my blog n check my mails. And now, I m gonna hit the GYM... Mess??? I guess i will leave that to destiny... hahaha!!! Muaaah.......................
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