I do 'inoculatte'-take my coffee intravenously when i m running late or I do yawn to give my honest n frank opinion in a meeting when i m getting irritated with people suffering with terminal illness of Gilibido (all talk no action).Especially when it comes to issues dealing with gender equality. The so called fairer sex i.e. we women really play a fair game. Confused? Wanna example? I trust to rely on my experiences with MEN in my life in order to prove this.
My partner has different views on things we do in common like; entartainment for me is any good movie ,concert,play or book;but its anything that can be done while drinking for him,like vulnerability to me is fully opening up myself emotionally to him but its playing a foot ball game without a helmet for him. Probably communication is the opening of thoughts and feelings with each other while its just scratching out a note before suddenly taking off for a weekend with boys.
Commitment wud be a desire to get married and raise a family for me but not trying to pickup other women while out with his girlfriend for him. ahh men will always be men...and to all men out there pleaseeeeeee note that Flatulence is An embarrassing by-product of digestion and NOT An endless source of entertainment,self-expression and male bonding. Hims this one goes to u.... our remote is for changing from one channel to another and not for surfing through 75 channels in 3 mins.....grrrrrrrrrrrrr. Last but not d least Call it whatever you want just as long as we end up in bed is not WOT love making is all about ,it is THE GREATEST EXPRESSION OF INTIMACY A COUPLE CAN ACHIEVE......Etc etc etc...............
Who cares if i sound like a PHEMINISHT....
sleepless nights sleepy afternoons midnight hunger pangs loss of apetite mood swings happy hours control freaked thoughts out of control actions discomforting agreements comforting denials random thoughts occasional wisdom regular mistakes inconsistant rectifications pre concieved notions post realisational frustration regular depressions
Is dat all we r about? naaaaahhhhhhhhhh.... phurrrrrrrghet it...and.... gindly fug off!!!!! kicking................
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