A thing dat I completely adore about hollywood flicks is dat :
a)most of them have a idea or a message or a concept or an idea or a story to tell.
b)they make sensible movies.
c)they have money and they know how to use it.
d)they understand that they cater to a non-dumb audience.
e)they do not have songs for no reason.
f)they are as intelligent n intellectual as their bollywood contemporary's just that they make movies and not crap like we do.
Sorry guys no offecnce, but with each new hol-film i watch, my opinion becomes firm. Like they say, that necessity is the mother of invention. I believe that we do listen n c d shit dat most bolly-movies offer n DO NOT raise a voice n say nothing. Its a kind of a domestic violence n intellectual rape on us. Well hats off to 'SOME' legendary makes of our side. But then....i still am bang on with my statement.
Watched a zombie film '28 days later' on a dvd a few days back n I was determined to watch its sequel '28 weeks later' with equal devotion n excitement all together!!! Totally zapped up by the plot which cud b described as a one liner " post-apocalyptic science fiction horror film based in Britan ,depicts the breakdown of society following the accidental release of a highly contagious virus known as "Rage" (which renders people mindlessly violent) and focuses upon the struggle of four survivors to cope with the ruination of the life they once knew.
Although 28 Days Later and its sequel 28 Weeks Later are often categorized by many as a film of the zombie genre, the infected portrayed in the film fit few if any aspects of the traditional zombie archetype. While zombies are generally slow, unintelligent, hungry for human flesh, and are almost universally undead, the infected are merely living human beings overcome with senseless rage brought on by a highly infectious virus. They can be killed like any human being and possess no superhuman abilities, apart from an arguably increased resistance to pain and heightened, manic strength. At the same time, the infected demonstrate several zombie-like characteristics, including a bite-transmitted condition that results in the affected individual's loss of personality, impaired cognitive function, murderous rage and discoloured eyes. Although highly aggressive, they nevertheless eventually die of hunger and/or thirst as they lose any desire for food and water, and demonstrate no natural instincts to hunt or forage for some.
Happened to watch the making of both these zombs on a movie channel yesterday n was amazed at the promptness , accuracy n professionalism of the crew and d production team...kudos to those folks!!! 28 Days Later features scenes set in normally bustling parts of London such as Westminster Bridge, Piccadilly Circus, Horse Guards Parade and Oxford Street. In order to depict these locations as desolate, the film crew closed off sections of street for minutes at a time, usually in early morning to minimize disruption. Portions of the film were shot on a Canon XL1 digital video camera. DV cameras are much smaller and more manoeuvrable than traditional film cameras, which would have been impractical on such brief shoots.
The scenes of the M1 motorway completely devoid of traffic were also filmed within very limited time periods. A mobile police roadblock slowed traffic sufficiently to leave a long section of carriageway empty while the scene was filmed. The section depicted in the film was actually located at Milton Keynes, nowhere near Manchester. For the London scene where Jim walks by the overturned doubledecker bus, the film crew placed the bus on its side and removed it when the shot was finished, all within 20 minutes.
A horror plot that has people falling to their own weaknesses? The shocks are there, the plot is excellent, and the acting is very, very good.fans of the first movie will notice that it doesn't try to ret-con anything, and the same action-focused, grainy camera work makes a welcome return. The movie moves along at a nice pace, never leaving you room to get bored.It's artistic and atmospheric, with a great pace, sympathetic characters, and a fantastic climax. The music is very nicely done, and, to me, the eerie opening scenes of the empty London streets are worth the price of admission all on their own.
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